
Parser for Sliver TCP and Named Pipe Pivots

Primary LanguagePython


Parser for PCAPs containing Sliver TCP and Named Pipe Pivots


Install protoc, refer to the Google documentation for your distro: https://grpc.io/docs/protoc-installation/

Before executing the script, the Python protobuf files need to be compiled using the protobuf compiler.

Assuming the current working directory is the root of this project:

protoc -I=protofiles/ --python_out=protofiles/ protofiles/*.proto

This is entirely due to my lack of understanding how this exactly works, but after the protoc command we need to patch the sliver_pb2.py file and change the following line:

import common_pb2.py as common__pb2


from protofiles import common_pb2 as common__pb2

Install the Python packages:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Only tested using Python version 3.8.5

Parsing a PCAP with Sliver named pipe traffic:

python3 sliver_parser.py --pcap sliver_named_pipe_pivot.pcapng --named-pipe --sliver-output sliver_output.txt

Parsing a PCAP with Sliver TCP-Pivot traffic:

python3 sliver_parser.py --pcap sliver_tcp_pivot.pcapng --tcp-pivot --sliver-output sliver_output.txt


There's probably a lot of pitfalls with this script, the TCP-Pivot parsing is very slow in its current state when a lot of data is being transferred between the C2 and the implant. The project was made to play around with Sliver and to get to know its inner workings a little bit better.