
This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sample React + TypeScript + Vite Application

This sample React + TypeScript + Vite application is a great starting point for building web applications with modern front-end technologies. It includes a basic folder structure and several key dependencies and dev dependencies that can help you get started quickly. Let's delve into the details of this application.

Table of Contents


This application is a boilerplate for web development projects, leveraging the power of React, TypeScript, and Vite. It serves as a foundation for creating web applications with a responsive and efficient user interface. The application's primary features include a basic folder structure, some sample components, and example data to help you understand the setup and usage of the included technologies.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies by running npm install.
  3. Start the application by running npm start.

Folder Structure

|-- assets/
|   |-- icons/
|   |   |-- logo.svg
|   |-- images/
|   |   |-- background.png
|   |-- pdfs/
|   |   |-- terms&conditions.pdf
|   |-- audio/
|   |   |-- notification.mp3
|   |-- styles/
|   |   |-- global.css
|-- components/
|   |-- Button.jsx
|   |-- LoadingSpinner.jsx
|   |-- ...
|-- data/
|   |-- sampleData.json
|   |-- ...
|-- hoc/
|   |-- withAuth.js
|   |-- withTheme.js
|   |-- ...
|-- hooks/
|   |-- useAuth.js
|   |-- useTheme.js
|   |-- ...
|-- layout/
|   |   |-- Header.jsx
|   |   |-- Footer.jsx
|   |   |-- Layout.jsx
|   |   |-- ...
|-- pages/
|   |-- Home.jsx
|   |-- About.jsx
|   |-- ...
|-- redux/
|   |-- actions/
|   |   |-- authActions.js
|   |
|   |-- reducers/
|   |   |-- authReducer.js
|   |
|   |-- types/
|   |   |-- authTypes.js
|   |
|   |-- store.js
|-- services/
|   |-- api/
|   |   |-- jobseekerApi.js
|   |   |-- recruiterApi.js
|   |   |-- collegeApi.js
|   |
|   |-- auth/
|   |   |-- authService.js
|   |
|   |-- notifications/
|   |   |-- notificationService.js
|-- utils/
|   |-- crypto.js
|   |-- dateUtils.js
|   |-- stringUtils.js
|   |-- setPageTitle.js
|   |-- authUtils.js
|   |-- themeUtils.js
|-- App.jsx
|-- main.jsx
|-- ...

Dependencies (Read about them in the links below)

Dev Dependencies


[Sudama Dhakad]