
A script for compiling OpenSSL for Apple Devices.

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


macOS support iOS support tvOS support watchOS support macOS Catalyst support OpenSSL version OpenSSL version license

This is fork of the OpenSSL-Apple project by Davide De Rosa, which is itself a fork of the popular work by Felix Schulze, that is a set of scripts for using self-compiled builds of the OpenSSL library on the iPhone, Apple TV, Apple Watch, macOS, and Catalyst.

However, this repository branches from Davide's repository by emphasizing support for:

  • builds XCFrameworks (hence the repository name) with truly universal libraries. With Xcode 11 and newer, XCFrameworks offer a single package with frameworks for every, single Apple architecture. You no longer have to use run script build phases to slice and dice binary files; Xcode will choose the right framework for the given target.

  • Supports all of the xcode $STANDARD_ARCHS by default for each Apple platform. This means that the frameworks work with your Xcode project right out of the box, with no fussing about with VALID_ARCHITECTURES, etc. It's tempting to leave old architectures (armv7, for example) behind, but Apple still seems to expect them.

  • Builds traditional dynamic or static platform-specific frameworks, should that be your cup of tea.

  • Builds traditional dylibs or static libraries (libcrypto.{dylib,a}, libssl.{dylib,a}), should that be your preferred poison.

  • Supports installation via Carthage via the use of a fake framework.

  • Supports OpenSSL-1.1.1d and newer. It might work with version 1.1.0, but testing begins with 1.1.1d. Versions prior to 1.1.0 are definitely not supported. This is a forward-thinking distribution; it's time to bite the bullet and update to the new API's.

What's Built

The build-openssl.sh script builds per-platform static libraries libcrypto.a and libssl.a; if you've built multiple architectures for a platform (which is default), then these static libraries will be fat binaries consisting of all architectures that were built.

Additionally, the per-architecture static libraries are also available, but these are generally not useful to most programmers.

Dynamic libraries (.dylibs) have generally fallen out of favor on macOS, and are not built. You should use frameworks instead.

The create-framework.sh script builds frameworks, which are the preferred and simplest forms of library integration. Standard per-platform dynamic frameworks will be built, but per-platform static frameworks can also be built. This latter option isn't a framework per se, but a convenient means of distribution.

The script also builds both dynamic and static XCFrameworks, which are new in Xcode 11 and newer, and easily allow you to integrate all platforms and architectures in a single distributable.

Compile library

Compile OpenSSL at the default version (currently 1.1.1d) for default targets:


Compile OpenSSL at the default version for specific targets:

./build-openssl.sh --version=1.1.1d --targets="ios-cross-armv7 macos64-x86_64"

For all options see:

./build-openssl.sh --help

Generate frameworks

Statically linked:

./create-framework.sh static

Statically linked as XCFramework:

./create-framework.sh xcstatic

Dynamically linked:

./create-framework.sh dynamic

Dynamically linked as XCFramework:

./create-framework.sh xcdynamic

Use from Carthage

Carthage notes

Carthage only supports frameworks, and does not support standalone dynamic or static libraries, and does not currently support XCFrameworks, and so support for all of these is provided by building these in a fake macOS framework ("OpenSSL-ContainerFramework"), from where you can add whatever you need to your Xcode project in the usual way. It's kind of a hacky solution, but provides everything you could need once built or downloaded:

  • $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/Mac/OpenSSL-ContainerFramework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/openssl-xcframeworks/

    • framework-dynamic/*/: Contains an openssl.framework for dynamic linking for each platform.

    • framework-static/*/: Contains an openssl.framework for static linking for each platform.

    • xcframework-dynamic/: Contains the openssl.xcframework as a dynamic-linked framework.

    • xcframework-static/: Contains the openssl.xcframework as a static-linked framework.

    • lib/: Contains static libcrypto-*.a and libssl-*.a for each platform. These are fat binaries that should cover all current architectures for a platform.

    • bin/*.sdk/lib/: Contains static libcrypto.a and libssl.a for each architecture and platform.

Remember, although the OpenSSL-ContainerFramework.framework is a macOS project, binaries for all platforms are in Carthage's Mac/ build directory.

When Carthage is eventually updated to support XCFrameworks, then the strategy above is likely to change.

Installation (will build from openssl's source)

You can add this repository to your Cartfile as so:

github "balthisar/openssl-xcframeworks"

Upon issuing carthage update, Carthage will download and build the OpenSSL frameworks for each platform and architecture. This process can be time consuming, but only has to be performed one time for each build environment. You can also choose to use the pre-built binaries, next.

As mentioned above, when Carthage is updated to support XCFrameworks, the framework location in the Carthage build directory is likely to change. You can freeze Carthage to a certain tag or hash in your Cartfile, if you like.

Installation (will use binaries that I built)

Other OpenSSL for macOS/iOS distributions tend to distribute binaries in repositories, which seems to be pretty popular. It's unwise for a couple of reasons:

  • You have no idea whether or not the maintainer compiled anything nefarious into the binaries;

  • Binaries should not be under version control; they just inflate the repository size.

If you trust my binaries and prefer not to build your own per the previous section (although it's a one-time requirement only), you can add the following to your Cartfile instead of the repository as in the previous section:

binary "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/balthisar/openssl-xcframeworks/master/OpenSSL-ContainerFramework.json" ~> 1.1.14

Upon issuing carthage update, the binary framework will be downloaded and unzipped.

Note: the semantic version "1.1.14" corresponds to openssl's version "1.1.1d"; if openssl releases "1.1.1e" then the real semantic version would be "1.1.15", etc. This is required because Carthage only works with real semantic version numbers.

Download the Binaries (without Carthage)

You can download and manually manage binaries with the same zip file that Carthage would manage for you automatically. Take a look at the Github releases page for this repository.

Use from Cocoapods

Not currently possible until Cocoapods is updated to work with XCFrameworks.

Original project

Davide de Rosa's project


This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (https://www.openssl.org/)