Executioner: A Scalable Code Execution Platform for Everyone



Welcome to Executioner, your one-stop shop for seamless and efficient code execution! Inspired by platforms like LeetCode, we offer a highly scalable and user-friendly environment to execute your code with ease.

Unmatched Scalability:

  • Built for Performance: Engineered to handle millions of code execution requests concurrently, ensuring smooth operation even under massive workloads.
  • Containerized with Docker: Leverages containerization for flexible deployment, efficient resource utilization, and effortless scaling.
  • Master-Worker Architecture: Employs a Kafka-powered master-worker architecture where the master distributes tasks to worker containers for parallel execution.

Tech Stack and Tools:

  • Golang: Enables efficient container orchestration using https://pkg.go.dev/runtime.
  • TypeScript: Drives worker containers, tailored for code execution with specific languages.
  • Node.js and Express: Forms the foundation for the API gateway, facilitating interaction with the platform.
  • Go Gin: Powers the API gateway, providing a high-performance framework for building robust APIs in Golang.
  • Kafka: Acts as the central hub for message queuing, handling task distribution and ensuring efficient communication between components.
  • MySQL Database: Stores code execution results and user data securely.
  • Server-Sent Events (SSE): Enables real-time result delivery to the frontend, enhancing user experience.

Multithreading for Maximum Efficiency:

Maximizes CPU utilization by employing multithreading within worker containers, ensuring optimal performance for code execution.

Why Golang?

  • Efficient Docker Management: Golang excels at handling the Docker engine daemon effectively, contributing to the platform's smooth operation.
  • Concurrency and Performance: Well-suited for building concurrent and high-performance applications.

Local Development Setup


  • Golang: Download and install Golang from https://go.dev/. Ensure you have set the GOPATH and GOBIN environment variables correctly.
  • Docker: Download and install Docker from https://www.docker.com/.


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/sudeep162002/code-executer
  2. Define Port: Create a file named .env in the base directory of your project. Add a line specifying the port you want to use for the API gateway:


    Replace 8080 with your desired port number.

  3. Install Dependencies: Open a terminal in the project directory and run:

    go get

    This command downloads all the necessary Go dependencies listed in the go.mod file.

  4. Run the Platform: Start all components using Docker Compose:

    docker-compose up

    This command builds and runs the Docker images for your platform, including Kafka, MySQL, and other dependencies.


If you encounter any issues during setup, you can use the following commands to check the status of your Kafka queues:

  1. Open a Kafka container shell:

    docker exec -it kafka bash
  2. Use kafkacat to check queue contents:

    kafkacat -b kafka:29092 -t topic-you-want-to-check -C

    Replace topic-you-want-to-check with the actual name of the topic you want to inspect.

Sample and Usage

Sample Input Body:

  "id": "69896",
  "userName": "sudeep162002",
  "Language": "java",
  "output": "..."  // Paste your code here

Code Deparser and Parser:

This platform utilizes code deparser and parser functionalities to prepare code for execution and display the results.

Code Deparser and Parser (TypeScript):

// Code Deparser: Transforms code for execution
const deparser = (inputString: string): string => {
  return inputString
    .replace(/\\n/g, '\n')   // Restore actual line breaks
    .replace(/^   /gm, '')   // Remove leading indentation
    .replace(/\\"/g, '"');   // Replace escaped double quotes

// Code Parser: Formats code for display
const parser = (normalCode: string): string => {
  return normalCode
    .replace(/"/g, '\\"')    // Escape double quotes
    .split('\n')           // Split into lines
    .map(line => `   ${line}`) // Indent each line
    .join('\\n\\n');       // Join lines with "\n\n"


Deparsing Code for Execution:

const preparedCode = deparser(inputCode);
// Send preparedCode to worker for execution

Parsing Results for Display:

const formattedOutput = parser(executionResult);
// Display formattedOutput to the user


  1. Send a POST request to the API endpoint (http://localhost:<API_PORT>/execute) with the sample input body containing your code.
  2. The platform uses Server-Sent Events (SSE) to push execution results to the frontend in real-time.


  • Replace placeholders like <API_PORT> with appropriate values.
  • Ensure your code is properly formatted and adheres to the supported language's syntax.

Contributing to the Project

We believe in fostering a collaborative environment! Your contributions are valued! Feel free to explore the project, share your ideas, and submit pull requests to shape the future of Executioner.

Roadmap (To-Do):

  • Frontend Development: Create a user-friendly interface for interacting with the platform. This includes features like code submission, execution monitoring, and result display.
  • Prometheus Monitoring: Integrate with Prometheus for detailed infrastructure and application monitoring, providing valuable insights into platform performance and resource usage.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: Establish a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline utilizing GitHub Actions. This will automate tasks like building and pushing Docker images for supported languages to a Docker hub repository, streamlining the deployment process and ensuring consistent updates.
  • Language Support Expansion: Gradually expand support for additional programming languages, catering to a wider developer audience.


Execution API:

Method: POST
URL: http://localhost:5000/run-code
  "id": "69896",
  "userName": "sudeep162002",
  "Language": "java",
  "output": "..."  // Paste your code here

Execution Status and Output API:

Method: GET
URL: http://localhost:5000/{reqId}/{username}

Replace {reqId} with the ID of the execution request and {username} with the username for whom the request was made.


  "status": "pending" | "running" | "completed" | "failed",
  "output": "..." (only present if status is "completed")


  • Replace placeholders like <API_PORT> with appropriate values.
  • Ensure your code is properly formatted and adheres to the supported language's syntax.