
A simple streamable binary-serialization container format based on Erlang's External Term Format

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


ETFs is a simple streamable binary-serialization container format based on Erlang's External Term Format (i.e. erlang:term_to_binary/1)


The public interface to ETFs is ETFs.stream!/1.

ETFs.stream! produces a struct which works a lot like File.stream!/1, in the sense that it is both Enumerable and Collectable. But an %ETFs.Stream{} consumes and produces arbitrary Erlang terms, rather than iodata.

iex> etfs_file = ETFs.stream!("foo.etfs")
%ETFs.Stream{path: "foo.etfs", format: :v2}

iex> (1..10
...> |> Stream.map(fn i ->
...>   [i, 3, "foo", %{arbitrary: :terms}, make_ref(), self()]
...> end)
...> |> Enum.into(etfs_file))

# then, later...

iex> (etfs_file
...> |> Stream.take(1)
...> |> Enum.to_list
...> |> List.first)
  %{arbitrary: :terms},
# [i, 3, "foo", %{arbitrary: terms}, make_ref(), self()]

The ETFs format also embeds a Table of Contents chunk, and so supports O(1) slicing/element lookup (e.g. Enum.slice, Enum.take, Enum.at, etc.)


The package can be installed by adding etfs to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:etfs, "~> 0.1.3"}