// # node_haste // Route: // app.get("/test",function(req,res) // { // res.end("ok"); // }); // # Express // * Results per URL for complete test * // URL#1 (): Average Click Time 3,030 ms, 7,786 Clicks, 0 Errors // Total Number of Clicks: 7,786 (0 Errors) // Average Click Time of all URLs: 3,030 ms // ########################################################################### // # Haste // * Results per URL for complete test * // URL#1 (): Average Click Time 2,437 ms, 9,675 Clicks, 0 Errors // Total Number of Clicks: 9,675 (0 Errors) // Average Click Time of all URLs: 2,437 ms // ########################################################################## // Note***: // Node Framework to allow developers to write less codes // Its a testing version 2.0. // Next version will be a major change that will increase the performance of the framework as it will have c++ thread modules as nodeAddons support // and other image processing libraries with c++ native addons. // Please join us to improve the framework and to make it best framework in the world. // To join team please mail to sudeepdasgupta25@gmail.com or sudeep@pounze.com // Following are the tutorials of the framework // Directory Structure // 1) controllers: it will have controller files // 2) middlwares: It will have middleware files // 3) views : It will have html files // 4) templates: It will have views javascript files to bind data to html files // 5) common_templates: It has a common_templates.js file which is included in all template files. // 6) cns : Its a framework directory. // 7) error_files: It has html files , redesign the html file to set 404, 500 and other errors html files // 8) UserView: It will consists all static files // 9) blockusers: It has a file that consists of blocked ip address // Code Examples: // Create a file in the root directory named server.js for example // Require this file // required to set global root directory as the framework uses absolute path internally not relative // This framework is for those who want performance along with ease to use global.__rootdir = __dirname; const haste = require('./cns/Haste.js'); // this method is used to initialize the haste constructor var app = haste.init(); // HTTP2 Server HOST const option = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/server.key'), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/server.crt') }; var server = app.Http2Server('',3000,option,function(server) { console.log("Server started in port 3000"); }); // HTTP var server = app.HttpServer('',3000,function(server) { console.log("Server started in port 3000"); }); // HTTPS const option = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/server.key'), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/server.crt') }; var server = app.HttpsServer('',3000,option,function(server) { console.log("Server started in port 3000"); }); // to set global default method app.DefaultMethod(function(req,res) { }); // Cortex is a special functionality with lets you make seperate controllers // To set middlewares for cortex whether api specific or global // Global middlewares app.createGlobalCortexMiddlewares(["CortexMiddleware1","CortexMiddleware2"]); // api specific app.cortexMiddleware([ { cortex:"TestHttp2Controllers", mapping:"samples", middlewares:["CortexSingleMiddleware"] } ]); // there is also a method which lets you create routes app.route("/sudeep",__dirname+"/routes/Auth.js"); // Auth.js const router = require("../cns/HasteNew.js").routes; // creates apis with routes // /sudeep/name/$id // You can also create middlewares for those routes const router = require("../cns/HasteNew.js").routes; router.get("/name/$id",function(req,res,input) { res.end("get working routes"); }).middlewares(["TestHttp2Middlware"]).where({'$id':'[0-9]{2}'}); router.post("/name",function(req,res,input) { res.end("post working routes"); }).middlewares(["TestHttp2Middlware"]); exports.router = router; // you can creat simple routes with method specific app.get("/",function(req,res,input) { app.views('http2',req,res,input); }); app.post("/",function(req,res,input) { res.end("post"); }); app.put("/",function(req,res,input) { res.end("put"); }); app.delete("/",function(req,res,input) { res.end("delete"); }); // you can create views app.views('http2',req,res,input); // Here http2 is a file specified in templates folder where you will call a method like , Here index in html page specified in view folder const haste = require('../cns/HasteNew.js'); const SessionCheck = require('../lib/SessionCheck.js'); async function init(req,res,data,commongData) { haste.renderPage(req,res,commongData,'index',true,null,null,true); } exports.init = init; // You can push files with http2 push app.get("/",function(req,res,input) { app.views('http2',req,res,input); }) .pushFile( [ "/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css", "/bower_components/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css", "/bower_components/Ionicons/css/ionicons.min.css", "/dist/css/AdminLTE.min.css", "/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js", "/bower_components/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js", "/UserView/js/angular.min.js" ]); // you can specify dynamic variables app.put("/$id",function(req,res,input) { res.end(JSON.stringify(input)); }).where({'$id':'[0-9]{2}'}); // You can terminate program die({name:"sudeep"}); // To create middlewares, it return two method one with new additional data and other is boolean true or false function init(req,res,input) { //console.log(input); input.middleware1 = "ok"; return [true,input]; } exports.init = init; // To create worker, you can create method like this to use parallelism of node and distribute task to different cpu cores and then join response global.__rootdir = __dirname; const haste = require('./cns/HasteNew.js'); var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; var data = [ { name:"Sudeep" }, { name:"Abhik" }, { name:"Abhishek" }, { name:"sasa" }, { name:"454545" } ]; var database = null; var db = null; async function run() { var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/"; database = await MongoClient.connect(url,{ useNewUrlParser: true }); db = database.db("tripkle"); haste.worker.run(data,3,dataMethod,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); } run(); async function dataMethod(data) { if(data != undefined) { var callback = await db.collection("tripkleErrLogs").find().toArray(); haste.worker.send(callback); } } // To do a task with distribution system with out forking child process folowwing is the way var data = [ { name:"Sudeep" }, { name:"Abhik" }, { name:"Abhishek" }, { name:"sasa" }, { name:"454545" } ]; var database = null; var db = null; async function runData() { var url = "mongodb://localhost:27017/"; database = await MongoClient.connect(url,{ useNewUrlParser: true }); db = database.db("tripkle"); console.log("ok"); var callback = await haste.task.distribute(data,3,dataMethod); console.log(callback); } runData(); async function dataMethod(data) { var callback = await db.collection("tripkleErrLogs").findOne({}); return callback._id; } // To use pub sub it has inbuilt pub with sub with help of redis // Publisher async function Publisher() { RedisPS.config = { url:"" }; RedisPS.pub.createClient(); RedisPS.subscribe("sample_topic"); var data = await RedisPS.onMessage(); } Publisher(); // Subscriber async function Subscriber() { RedisPS.config = { url:"" }; RedisPS.sub.createClient(); RedisPS.publish("sample_topic","Hello World"); } Subscriber(); // It has also compression methods available like gzip, deflate haste.compress.gzip(data,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); haste.compress.deflate(data,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); haste.compress.DeflateRaw(data,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); // TO make http1.1 request var RequestOpt = { protocol:"http", message:{ name:"hello" }, options:{ host: 'www.google.com', port: 443, path: '/upload', method: 'POST' } }; haste.RemoteRequest(RequestOpt,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); // TO make http2 request var RequestOpt = { url:"http://www.pounze.com", options:{ ":path": '/upload', ":method": 'POST' } }; haste.http2RemoteRequest(RequestOpt,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); // for encryption "encryption Type","message","format" haste.Hash("sha1","Hello World","hex"); // available-encryption tecnique // sha256 // sha512 // sha1 // md5 // available format // hex // base64 // format Date haste.formatDate(new Date(),"YYYYMMDD","-"); // IPC ipc.fork(__dirname+"/lib/sub.js"); ipc.onMessage(function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); ipc.send("hello"); // otehr side ipc.parentSend("world"); ipc.parentOnMessage(function(db) { console.log(db); }) // file reader haste.fileReader(__dirname+"sample.html",function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); // file copy haste.fileCopy(source,destination,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); // write logs haste.writeLogs(__dirname+"logs",data,function(data) { console.log(data); }); // check auth 401 if(Haste.checkAuth(req)) { } // send 401 authorization message haste.sendAuthorization(req,res,"Please enter username and password"); // get user agent haste.getUserAgent(req,function(cb) { console.log(cb); }); // set cookie haste.setCookies({ session:"dasdsnakdjkashdjkashjdsa" }); // get cookie haste.getCookies(req); // 401 authorization haste.Authorization(req); // in-memory session, it will clear if server is restrat or crashed, better to use redis over this haste.session.set(key,value); haste.session.get(key); haste.session.del(key); haste.session.destroy(); //