
Facility Location code for COMPSCI 690AA: Approximation Algorithms

Primary LanguagePython


Facility Location code for COMPSCI 690AA: Approximation Algorithms

Pre-requisites: Numpy, Scipy and PuLP

To use this code:

  1. import facility
  2. Create a facility location problem instance by F = Facility_Location(facility_costs,demand_costs). Here, facility_costs are the costs for setting up facilities and demand_costs are the costs for a facility to service a particular client. demand_costs[j][i] is the cost of facility i to service client j.
  3. Call F.solve_LP(). This does not return anything. It just solves the LP and gets the primal and dual variables.
  4. Call F.Deterministic_rounding() to use deterministic rounding and F.Random_rounding()for random rounding. These return a dictionary which represents the assignment.
  5. Use F.cost(assignment)to get the cost of an assignment.
  6. F.ILP()solves the problem exactly, using integer linear programming. It returns the optimal assignment. It can be used to compare the rounded solutions with the optimal one.