This repository publishes the data export of the COVID19 Japan Patient Database (Google Spreadsheet) that is used by You can find more details about contributing to the sheet in this document.
You can programmatically fetch the data from the data repository ( using the following URLs:
: Full merged list of patient data for all of Japan.
: Daily summary and Per-prefecture summary.
: Tokyo per-ward/city summary.
See below in Data Formats for details on each of these files.
This data is sourced manually through many different sources and aggregated in a Google Sheet. Sources include the Ministry of Health Labour and Workforce (MHLW), Prefectural governments, City governments and Japanese news sources. Our spreadsheet aggregates data into a consistent format and reconciles discrepancies.
Data exported on
is updated every 15 minutes. If you have a question about the data formats, please file an issue on this repository.
Data is an array of patient data objects.
{ ... patient data },
{ ... patient data },
Example Patient Data:
"patientId": "64",
"dateAnnounced": "2020-02-18",
"ageBracket": 80,
"gender": "M",
"residence": "Kanagawa",
"detectedCityTown": "Sagamihara",
"detectedPrefecture": "Kanagawa",
"patientStatus": "Deceased",
"notes": "Died on 3/17",
"mhlwPatientNumber": "60",
"prefecturePatientNumber": "Kanagawa#7",
"prefectureSourceURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""
Fields | Values | Description |
patientId | String | Unique identifier for patients (if this value is -1, this means it may be a duplicate row (see: confirmedPatient ) [Updated: This changed from a number to a string (4/6)] Example Values: 123 or TOK123 or -1 |
confirmedPatient | boolean | Patient is a confirmed patient. If false, this could be a duplicate patient which we cannot identify. If this is false, do not count this patient in confirmed cases count. But it exists so that we can also tally deaths of existing patients. |
dateAnnounced | YYYY-MM-DD | Date patient was announced to have tested positive |
ageBracket | Numeric | Age bracket (40 mean 40-49). -1 for unspecified |
gender | M/F/Unspecified | |
residence | String | City/Town, Prefecture (not consistent) |
detectedCityTown | City/Town or Blank | City/Town patient was detected in |
detectedPrefecture | Prefecture Name, or "Unspecified" or "Port of Entry" | Prefecture patient was detected in. |
patientStatus | Unspecified, Hospitalized, Deceased, Discharged, Recovered | Condition of patient (Discharged and Recovered are similar) |
mhlwPatientNumber | Numeric | Identifier given by MHLW, obsoleted by Prefecture number |
prefecturePatientNumber | String | Usually Prefecture#Number |
prefectureSourceURL | URL | Source data from prefectural government |
sourceURL | URL | Any news or press release where this data was sourced from |
notes | String | Other text |
knownCluster | String | Known cluster this patient is from (can be multiple, separated by commas) |
Top level objects:
"prefectures": [ ... ],
"daily": [ ... ],
"lastUpdated": "2020-04-05T10:32:24+09:00"
Field | Values | Description |
prefectures | List of Dict | Each item is a prefectural summary |
daily | List of Dict | Each dict represents the summary of the single day |
lastUpdated | ISO timestamp | Time stamp (in JST) of when the data was updated. |
List of per-prefecture summaries. This list includes both actual prefectures and pseudo-prefectures such as "Unspecified", "Port of Entry", "Diamond Princess Cruise Ship" and "Nagasaki Cruise Ship".
Those pseudo-prefectures will have the flag "pseudoPrefecture" set to true if you need to filter them out.
"confirmed": 3840,
"deceased": 89,
"recovered": 59,
"confirmedByCity": {
"Tokyo": 62,
"Suginami": 1,
"Adachi": 3,
"Nerima": 1
"dailyConfirmedCount": [ ... 123, 132, 134, 161, 103],
"dailyConfirmedStartDate": "2020-01-08",
"newlyConfirmed": 0,
"yesterdayConfirmed": 103,
"dailyDeathCount": [0, 0, ... ],
"dailyDeathsStartDate": "2020-01-08",
"newlyDeceased": 0,
"yesterdayDeceased": 0,
"name_ja": "東京都",
"name": "Tokyo"
List is sorted by confirmed
Field | Values | Description |
name | String | English name of prefecture |
name_ja | String | Japanese name of prefecture |
pseudoPrefecture | boolean | True if this is not a real prefecture but a grouping of patients (e.g. Diamond Princess Cruise Ship) |
confirmed | Numeric | Total infected count |
deceased | Numeric | Total number of deaths |
recovered | Numeric | Total number of recovered patients |
confirmedByCity | Object | Keys are individual cites and their total infected counts |
dailyConfirmedCount | Array of Int | Daily confirmed for each day from dailyConfirmedStartDate |
dailyConfirmedStartDate | String | YYYY-MM-DD string that represents the day the dailyConfirmedCount's first entry was recorded on |
newlyConfirmed | Numeric | Number of confirmed cases for today |
yesterdayConfirmed | Numeric | Number of confirmed cases for yesterday |
dailyDeathCount | Array of Int | Daily deaths for each day from dailyConfirmedStartDate |
dailyDeathStartDate | String | YYYY-MM-DD string that represents the day the dailyDeathCount's first entry was recorded on |
newlyDeceased | Numeric | Number of deaths for today |
yesterdayDeceased | Numeric | Number of deaths cases for yesterday |
Day by day summary:
"confirmed": 367,
"deceased": 16,
"confirmedCumulative": 12769,
"recoveredCumulative": 1530,
"deceasedCumulative": 315,
"criticalCumulative": 263,
"testedCumulative": 141600,
"cruiseConfirmedCumulative": 803,
"cruiseDeceasedCumulative": 13,
"cruiseRecoveredCumulative": 645,
"cruiseTestedCumulative": 4559,
"cruiseCriticalCumulative": 5,
"date": "2020-04-24",
"confirmedAvg3d": 402,
"confirmedCumulativeAvg3d": 12352,
"confirmedAvg7d": 411,
"confirmedCumulativeAvg7d": 11560,
"deaths": 16
Field | Values | Description |
date | String | Date |
confirmed | Numeric | Number of confirmed cases on that day |
deceased | Numeric | Number of deaths on that day (replaces deprecated field: deaths) |
confirmedCumulative | Numeric | Total number of confirmed cases accumulated up and including this day (excluding Cruise Ships - see cruiseConfirmedCumulative)) |
recoveredCumulative | Numeric | Total number of recovered patients accumulated up and including this day (excluding Cruise Ships - see cruiseRecoveredCumulative) |
criticalCumulative | Numeric | Total number of critical patients accumulated up and including this day (excluding Cruise Ships - see cruiseDeceasedCumulative) |
deceasedCumulative | Numeric | Total number of deaths accumulated up and including this day (excluding Cruise Ships - see cruiseDeceasedCumulative) |
testedCumulative | Numeric | Total number of tested accumulated up and including this day (excluding Cruise Ships - see cruiseTestedCumulative) |
cruiseConfirmedCumulative | Numeric | Total number of confirmed cases onboard the Diamond Princess and Nagasaki Cruise Ships accumulated up and including this day. (Does not include disembarked passengers who later tested positive) |
cruiseDeceasedCumulative | Numeric | Total number of recovered patients onboard the Diamond Princess and Nagasaki Cruise Ships accumulated up and including this day. (Does not include disembarked passengers who later tested positive) |
cruiseCriticalCumulative | Numeric | Total number of critical patients onboard the Diamond Princess and Nagasaki Cruise Ships accumulated up and including this day. (Does not include disembarked passengers who later tested positive) |
cruiseRecoveredCumulative | Numeric | Total number of recoveries onboard the Diamond Princess and Nagasaki Cruise Ships accumulated up and including this day. (Does not include disembarked passengers who later tested positive) |
cruiseTestedCumulative | Numeric | Total number of tests onboard the Diamond Princess and Nagasaki Cruise Ships accumulated up and including this day. (Does not include disembarked passengers who later tested positive) |
confirmedAvg3d | Numeric | Rolling 3-day average of confirmed |
confirmedCumlativeAvg3d | Numeric | Rolling 3-day average of confirmedCumulative |
confirmedAvg7d | Numeric | Rolling 7-day average of confirmed |
confirmedCumlativeAvg7d | Numeric | Rolling 7-day average of confirmedCumulative |
All the counts, except for the cruise*Cumulative
fields do not include any cruise ship workers and passengers.
"name": "Chiyoda",
"name_ja": "千代田",
"values": [
"date": "2020-03-31",
"count": 3
Data sources we're using.
Our data is sourced from a variety of sources, primarily Japanese news outlets like NHK, prefectural governments and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
Countrywide Sources
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) produces several sources of data that we use to cross check and verify.
- MHLW COVID19 Information Page (新型コロナウイルス感染症について)
- MHLW COVID19 Daily Press Releases: The most important document is the Patient Detail Updates (新型コロナウイルスに関連した患者の発生について) that list patient information linking to prefectural government reports.
- MHLW COVID19 Daily Summaries including aggregate counts and per-prefecture information.
NHK News is the most comprehensive and standardized reporting of infection cases per prefecture as well as a daily sum up every evening.
Prefecture-specific Data
Prefecture/City | Patients Source | Dashboard | Notes |
Aichi | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生について | Daily Aggregate | |
Aichi - Nagoya | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生について | Weekly Summary | Patients here are not listed on Aichi Prefecture Site |
Aichi - Toyota | 発生状況 | Patients here are not listed on Aichi Prefecture Site | |
Aichi - Toyohashi | 患者の概要 | Patients listed here are not listed in Aichi Prefecture Site | |
Aichi - Okasaki | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生について | Patients listed here are not on Aichi Prefecture site | |
Akita | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Aomori | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Chiba | 患者の発生について|新型コロナウイルス感染症 | Data is two days behind | |
Chiba - Chiba City | 市民の感染症患者の発生状況 | ||
Chiba - Funabashi | 市内で新型コロナウイルス感染症患者 | ||
Chiba - Kashiwa | Press Releases | ||
Ehime | 感染者の発生状況等について | ||
Fukui | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Fukuoka | 福岡県内での発生状況 | Dashboard | |
Fukushima | 福島県内の新型コロナウイルス発生状況 | ||
Gifu | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の患者の発生について | ||
Gunma | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Gunma - Takasaki | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生について | ||
Hiroshima | 患者の発生について | ||
Hokkaido | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の道内の発生状況 | ||
Hokkaido - Sapporo | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の道内の発生状況 | ||
Hyogo | 新型コロナウイルスに感染した患者の発生状況 PCR Press Releases | ||
Hyogo - Himeji | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生について | ||
Hyogo - Nishinomiya 西宮市 | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の市内発生状況 | ||
Ibaraki | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の県内の発生状況について | ||
Ishikawa | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の県内の患者発生状況 | Updates daily (HTML) | |
Iwate | 新型コロナウイルス感染症関連情報 | ||
Kagawa | 新型コロナウイルスに関連した患者の発生について | ||
Kanagawa | 新型コロナウイルスに感染した患者の発生状況 | Dashboard | Slow to update |
Kanagawa - Chigasaki | 茅ヶ崎市保健所管内での発生状況 | ||
Kanagawa - Fujisawa | 藤沢市内の新型コロナウイルスに感染した患者の発生状況 | ||
Kanagawa - Kawasaki | 川崎市内の新型コロナウイルスに感染した患者の発生状況 | ||
Kanagawa - Sagamihara | 発生状況等 | Frequently updated | |
Kanagawa - Yokohama | 横浜市内の新型コロナウイルスに感染した患者の発生状況 | Updated daily | |
Kanagawa - Yokosuka | 横須賀市内の新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生状況 | Updated more frequently than Kanagawa | |
Kagoshima | 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する情報 | ||
Kochi | 高知県における新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生状況について PCR | Updated daily | |
Kumamoto | 新型コロナウイルス感染症 | Patients numbers in the Summary | |
Kumamoto - Kumamoto City | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Kyoto | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の患者の発生について | ||
Kyoto - Kyoto City | Homepage Patients | Homepage has more up to date PRs, but Patients link has all patients | |
Kyoto - Muko | 市内の新型コロナウイルス感染状況について | ||
Mie | 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連した肺炎患者の発生について | ||
Miyagi | 県内における発生状況等について | Updated daily | |
Miyagi - Sendai | 仙台市内の感染者の発生状況 | ||
Miyazaki | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者 | ||
Nagano | 新型コロナウイルス感染症に係る検査状況について | Very little data, check MHLW | |
Nagano - Nagano City | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生について | ||
Nara | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の患者の発生について | Inconsistent recording of asymptomatic vs symptomatic. Numbering system changed after patient #7 | |
Nagasaki | 長崎県内の発生状況 | Updated frequently | |
Niigata | 県内における感染者の発生について | ||
Niigata - Niigata City | 報道資料、会議資料 | ||
Oita | 大分県内における患者発生について | ||
Oita - Oita City | 大分市における新たな新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生について | ||
Okayama | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Okinawa | Patients | 患者の発生について | Up to date |
Osaka | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | Usually few days behind. Use MHLW for most up-to-date reports. | |
Saga | 佐賀県の新型コロナウイルス感染症の状況 | ||
Saitama | 記者発表資料 -- 新型コロナウイルスに関連した患者の死亡について | Dashboard | |
Saitama - Saitama City | 本市の発生状況について | ||
Saitama - Koshigaya | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の越谷市内の発生状況 | ||
Saitama - Kawaguchi | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | Dashboard | |
Shiga | 新型コロナウイルス感染症患者の発生状況 | ||
Shimane | 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する情報 | ||
Shizuoka | 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)関連情報 | ||
Shizuoka - Shizuoka City | 新型コロナウイルス感染症 | ||
Tochigi | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Tochigi - Utsunomiya City | 宇都宮市における新型コロナウイルス感染症の発生状況 | ||
Tokushima | 新型コロナウイルス感染症について | ||
Tokyo | 東京都新型コロナウイルス感染症対策本部報, 最新の報道発表 | Dashboard | |
Tottori | 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)特設サイト | ||
Toyama | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の県内の患者等発生状況 | ||
Toyama - Toyama City | 本市での感染者の発生状況について | ||
Wakayama | 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連する情報について | ||
Yamagata | 新型コロナウイルス感染症に関連するポータルサイト | ||
Yamagata - Yonezawa | 新型コロナウイルス感染症に係る市からのお知らせ | ||
Yamaguchi | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の山口県内での発生について | ||
Yamanashi | 新型コロナウイルス感染症の県内における発生状況 |
Machine Readable Data Sources
Prefecture/City | Dashboard | Patient Data | PCR | Other |
Fukuoka | | |||
Kanagawa | Dashboard | |||
Saitama | | |||
Tokyo | |
Our data can sometimes disagree with MHLW or prefectural governments because of different policies we are using to input the data. Here are our known discrepancies and why:
- National death counts. We are counting more deaths than MHLW. Our death counts are aligned with NHK's reporting. We are unclear why MHLW is reporting less deaths.
- Recovery counts. This number is only available in aggregate on a national level from MHLW. Some prefectures report this per patient, some report it in aggregate but there is not consistency in this number.
- Asymptomatic vs Symptomatic. There are differences between prefectures, some prefectures do not count Asymptomatic confirmed cases. NHK does count all confirmed cases, asymptomatic and symptomatic. We follow that same principle and count all that we can find.
- Okinawa: We count three more cases in Okinawa than the official count because we include 3 US Military Servicemen which are not officially in the Okinawa prefectural government count.
- If you would like to suggest improvements to the data formats, please file an issue on this repo.
- If you want to report a mistake in our data, please use this feedback form
We need your help! Please submit any information sources via the "Issues" tab above. Thank you! ありがとう!
To build the data ingestion and publishing tool:
npm install
To run the data generation:
node generate.js
This will output the data into docs/
To make the data ready for publishing (which really just changes the symlink latest.json):
node publish.js
Every 15 minutes a Github Workflow runs .github/workflows/update.yml
to fetch the latest
data from the spreadsheet, runs a set of post processing on it and checks in the generated
JSON file in to the docs/
If it detects some data inconsistencies, it will abort and not check in any data. The data
verification checks are in src/verify.js
The data aggregated here is assembled by contributors to
This data is licensed for non-commercial public use under the Creative Commons By Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License..
If you use this data, you must attribute as "Data from ""." This data is based on reports from national and prefectural government reports in Japan.
All code is licensed under the MIT License.