A repository containing tools used for unpacking and deobfuscating .NET applications protected with ConfuserEx
WARNING: These tools have been aggragated from multiple sources around the web. These tools are provided as-is, and there is no guarantee on the safety or authenticity of the file(s). It is recommended to run them in a sandboxed environment. I have tried my best to aggregate the same tools from multiple sources and to compare file-size to ensure there is no signs of obvious tampering.
IMPORTANT: A lot of the tools contained are part of CodeCracker's Tools. These tools are from 2011-2015, and are no longer maintained, nor is there much documentation about them. Once again, I want to reiterate that this repository is "as-is" and I cannot guarantee the safety or authenticity of the files provided. As such, without proper documentation on these files, I cannot say for sure what they do. All the information provided is from sources that are available today. Please DO NOT create issues regarding a program not working, as I am not the original author of any of the tools included here. Thanks!
This repository contains tools used in the unpacking and deobfuscation of .NET applications protected with ConfuserEx. I was analyzing a malware artifact protected by ConfuserEx, and most tutorials online referenced tools such as "UnconfuserEx" and "ConfuseExSwitchKiller", but links were dead / not readily available. I've created this repository to act as a centralized place for all tools related to the deobfuscation of ConfuserEx protected applications, without the worry of expiring or paywalled file downloads. Furthermore, a lot of tools, such as NoFuserEx, require you to build from source, so this repository has pre-compiled binaries for ease of use.
- ConfuserExMethodsDecryptor
- ConfuserExFixer
- ConfuserExConstant
- Unconfuser.Exe
- ConfuserEx Proxy Call Fixer v2
- ConfuseExConstantsDecryptor
- ConfuseExSwitchKiller
- ConfuseExFixer
- NoFuserEx.exe
This is the recommended order of tools, but other tools are available at your disposal.
- Download files via
git clone
or through the latest release. - Run
- This unpacks the application. - Run
ConfuserEx Proxy Call Fixer v2.exe
- Fixes proxy function calls. - Run
- Fixes strings. - Run
(might crash) - Fixes switch control flow. - (optional) Run
- Fixes general errors - Clean up with de4dot
- Open the executable in dnSpy, Ghidra, etc.
- https://youtu.be/X0F_-sE-6GU
- https://github.com/CodeShark-Dev/NoFuserEx
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgNr4YzgP9I
- https://cracked.io/Thread-All-of-CodeCracker-s-RE-tools
Here are some other tools that might be helpful. They could also entirely replace the tools in this list. I need to test more with them.
- https://github.com/ViRb3/de4dot-cex - de4dot with ConfuserEx support
- https://github.com/BedTheGod/ConfuserEx-Unpacker-Mod-by-Bed/tree/1.1 - An all-in-one ConfuserEx unpacker and deobfuscator with mod support
- UnconfuserEx - Unpacks ConfuserEx protected applications
- NoFuserEx - Removes anti-tamper, anti-debugger, anti-dump, fixes proxy calls and constants (built from src)
- ConfuserEx ProxyCallFixer v2 - Fixes proxy function calls
- ConfuserExConstantDecryptor.exe - Fixes strings/constants
- ConfuserExceptionsRestore.exe - Fixes any errors
- ConfuserExCfgKiller.exe - Fixes any errors
- ConfuserExCallFixer.exe - Same as ProxyCallFixer
- ConfuserExDupPopPatcher.exe - (?)
- ConfuserExExpressionKiller.exe - Fixes control flow (Doesn't work on newer versions)
- ConfuserExFixer.exe - Fixes errors
- ConfuserExMethodsDecryptor.exe - Decrypts method body
- ConfuseExSwitchKiller.exe - Fixes switch control flow
- ConfuserCleanUp.exe - Cleans up file
- ConfuserDelegateKiller.exe - (?)
- ConfuserExPredicateKiller.exe - (?)
- ConfuserLdcPopPatcher.exe - (?)
- ConfuserStringDecryptor.exe - Older version of ConstantsDecryptor(?)
- ConfuserExStringDecryptor2.exe - (?)
- ConfuserExStringDecryptor_fr40.exe - (?)
- ConfuserXorCalc.exe - Resolves XOR calculations(?)
- ConfuserExConstant.exe - (?)
- ConfuserExConstant2.exe - (?)