
Task Manager App is a mobile application built to help users manage their tasks effectively. It offers features like task creation, editing, deletion, and a dashboard to visualize tasks. The app is developed using MVVM architecture with Clean Architecture principles to ensure separation of concerns and maintainability.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Task Manager App

Task Manager App is a mobile application built to help users manage their tasks effectively. It offers features like task creation, editing, deletion, and a dashboard to visualize tasks. The app is developed using MVVM architecture with Clean Architecture principles to ensure separation of concerns and maintainability. Dark mode and notification functionalities are also integrated to enhance user experience.


  • Task Management: Add, edit, delete tasks with due dates, priority, and location.
  • Dashboard: Overview of tasks with sorting and filtering options.
  • Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes for comfortable viewing.
  • Notifications: Reminders based on task due dates and proximity.


The app follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture with Clean Architecture principles:

  • Presentation Layer: Composed of UI components built with Jetpack Compose.
  • Domain Layer: Contains business logic and use cases independent of the framework.
  • Data Layer: Manages local data storage with Room Database and remote data with Firebase Firestore.


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Include screenshots of different screens here to showcase the app's UI.

Login Screen Home Screen Dashboard Screen Settings Screen Edit Option Screen