
Memory Mapped Matrices for R

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BGData: Memory Mapped Matrices and Data-Structures for Genomic Data for R

Travis-CI Build Status

Genetic data can be very large and holding data in RAM is often not feasible. One approach to overcome this restriction are memory mapped files that store the actual data on the hard drive and only read in smaller chunks when they are needed.

The ff package for R implements memory mapped arrays and provides a very fast implementation of indexing operations, which allows accessing cells of the array almost at the same speed as accessing those cells in a regular matrix object that is held in RAM. However, with ff the array size is limited to the size of an integer; with genomic data we often exceed this.

We therefore developed a new package LinkedMatrix and two new classes RowLinkedMatrix and ColumnLinkedMatrix that combine several matrix-like objects into a data structure that acts like a regular matrix. This package is used to overcome the limitations of ff by linking multiple ff objects together, either by columns (ColumnLinkedMatrix) or by rows (RowLinkedMatrix).

The BGData package contains a data structure BGData that holds genotypes in the @geno slot, phenotypes in the @pheno slot, and additional information in the @map slot. In addition, we have developed several methods that operate on this data structure, for example to compute genomic relationship matrices, etc.

Conceptual Diagram


The BGData package is not available on CRAN yet, but it can be installed directly from GitHub using the devtools package:

# install.packages("devtools")

Alternatively, you can download the most recent version as a bundle for Windows or Mac OS / Linux.



The BGData package has to be installed to follow along. The example data used in this introduction was generated from the mice dataset of the BGLR package and serves as an example on how to create a BGData object from a plaintext file. We have uploaded it for convenience and it can be downloaded at https://github.com/QuantGen/BGData/raw/data/mice.raw.gz, but you can also generate it in the following way:

# Writes genotypes in an ASCII file
gzmice <- gzfile('mice.raw.gz', 'w')
write.table(cbind(mice.pheno, mice.X), gzmice, quote=F, row.names=F)

Converting a plaintext file (e.g. in PED format) to a BGData object

A BGData object can be generated from any plaintext file that stores individuals in rows, phenotypes in the first couple of columns (including an identifier for each individual), and genotypes---either coded as characters (e.g. A, C, G, T) or numbers (e.g. 1 for A, 2 for C, etc.), but preferably as single allele dosage numbers---in the remaining columns. This structure is intentionally similar to a PED file that further restricts the structure of the phenotype section. The mice dataset that we will use as an example is only PED-like: there are more than six initial columns and the order of the columns is not according to the specification, but the BGData package is flexible enough to read it thanks to the nColSkip and idCol parameters.

A BGData object has three slots: @pheno, @geno, and @map. The phenotypes go into @pheno, the genotypes into @geno, and @map is filled with a placeholder that can be replaced later on.

BGData <- readPED(fileIn='mice.raw.gz', header=TRUE, dataType=integer(), nColSkip=17, idCol=1)

Reloading a BGData object from the filesystem

The genotypes in a BGData object are backed by an efficient binary representation of the original dataset on the filesystem, a LinkedMatrix. By default readPED stores this representation as files called geno_*.bin in the current working directory in a folder that starts with BGData_ followed by the filename without extension. To reload a BGData object from the filesystem, load the accompanying BGData.RData file in that directory using the load.BGData function.


BGData objects can also be loaded using the regular load function, but you have to change your current working directory to the one that contains the file for it to work.

# The working directory must be the one where the binary files (geno_*.bin) are saved.

Exploring operators

A LinkedMatrix object (the datatype of the contents of the @geno slot of a BGData object) behaves like any other matrix, even though its data is stored on the filesystem and is never read into memory in its entirety at a given time. This allows for convenient analysis of large datasets, with seamless integration into the rest of R's capabilities. Subsetting, replacement, and other functions have been implemented.

# Subsetting
BGData@geno[1, ]
BGData@geno[, 1]
BGData@geno[1:10, ]
BGData@geno[, 1:10]
BGData@geno[1, 1]

# Replacement
BGData@geno[1, 1] <- NA

# Other methods

# Summaries

# apply
countNAs <- apply(X=BGData@geno, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(x) sum(is.na(x)))

Running GWASes with different regression methods

A data structure for genomic data is useful when defining methods that act on both phenotype and genotype information. We have implemented a GWAS function that supports various regression methods and plotting. The formula takes phenotypes from @pheno and inserts one marker at a time.

# lm (set plot=TRUE to get a Manhattan plot of the p values)
fmLM <- GWAS(formula=Obesity.BMI~GENDER+Litter, data=BGData, method='lm', plot=T)

# glm (set plot=TRUE to get a Manhattan plot of the p values)
BGData@pheno$GENDER01 <- ifelse(BGData@pheno[, 'GENDER'] == 'M', 1, 0)
fmGLM <- GWAS(formula=GENDER01~Obesity.BMI, data=BGData, method='glm', family='binomial')

# lmer (set plot=TRUE to get a Manhattan plot of the p values)
fmLMER <- GWAS(formula=Obesity.BMI~GENDER+Litter+(1|cage), data=BGData, method='lmer')

# SKAT (set plot=TRUE to get a Manhattan plot of the p values)
groups <- ceiling(1:ncol(BGData@geno) / 5)
fmSKAT <- GWAS(formula=Obesity.BMI~GENDER+Litter, data=BGData, method='SKAT', groups=groups)

Adding columns to phenotype data

@pheno is stored as a regular data frame and can be modified. These changes will also be available in functions such as GWAS.

newPheno <- data.frame(SUBJECT.NAME=BGData@pheno$SUBJECT.NAME, NEWCOLUMN=1:nrow(BGData@pheno))
BGData@pheno <- merge(BGData@pheno, newPheno, by='SUBJECT.NAME', sort=FALSE)

Generating the G Matrix

G <- getG(BGData@geno)

BGData can be used with genotypes in RAM (e.g., using matrix)

n <- 50
p <- 100
X <- matrix(nrow=n, ncol=p, sample(0:2, size=n*p, replace=TRUE))
colnames(X) <- paste0('mrk_', 1:p)
rownames(X) <- paste0('id_', 1:n)
Y <- data.frame(id=rownames(X), age=rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n))
MAP <- data.frame(mrk_id=colnames(X))

# Creating a BGData object from objects in RAM
BGData <- BGData(geno=X, pheno=Y, map=MAP)

# Computing a genomic relationship matrix
G <- getG(BGData@geno)

# Single-marker regression
SMR <- GWAS(y~age, data=BGData, method='lm', plot=TRUE)

Reading the ff objects in Julia using mmap_array

fileIn = open("geno_1.bin", "r")
X = mmap_array(Int8, (5, 10), fileIn)