
Cost Explorer assignment

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cost Explorer

Table of Contents
  1. Built With
  2. Installation
  3. Documentation
  4. API Testing

Built With

The project is build using NodeJS in Typescript. The web framework used is Express. Data ORM used is Sequelize.

  1. Typescript is used because it is easier to understand as types are attached to each variable, also helps catch most bugs at compiletime
  2. Sequelize ORM is used because it has good support for features like eager loading, nested loading, establishing relations between data and relational models.


This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.

  1. NodeJs
  2. PostgreSQL


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/Sudheer121/CostExplorer
  2. Install NPM packages

    npm install
  3. Setup data base from PostgreSQL dump

    psql -U user_name -d db_name -1 -f dump.sql
  4. Fill .env parameters

    cp .env.example .env 
  5. Run

    npx tsc
    npm run start:dev 


Below is the documentation

Project Structure

Since the project is build with typescript source code is in ./src and complied javascript is in ./dist


The project layers consist of Models, Controller, Services and DAO layer

Helper Libraries

Custom created modules can be viewed at ./src/helpers. These modules are unrelated to project data but are useful in converting data from one form to other. These modules abstract away some of the logic.

Example : The Graph library takes data and creates an object that has graph representation of input data


Before the server starts, it caches the CostTypes table from database, it converts the data into graph form using Graph helper module. The cached data is stored in a static class CacheSingleton and is accessible throughout the project.

Data Types and Interfaces

Custom Data Types and Interfaces can be viewed at ./src/typings/index.d.ts. This alse has the interfaces CostExplorerOutput and ExplorerItem as specified.

Other than the provided interfaces the project uses commonly these interfaces.

  1. IGraphNode

Represents a graph node, should have id and parent id

  1. IData

Represents any data and should have id attribute

  1. INest

Represents IData in nested form, ExplorerItem is a specific form of INest

API testing

Postman documentation will be added in sometime