
ETHDenver example dApp built on The Graph

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting started

Local Development

Install tools and start Ganache

Install dependencies:

npm install -g ganache-cli truffle @graphprotocol/graph-cli

Start Ganache:


Start a local Graph Node

This assumes you already have Ganache running and have performed the above migration steps.

  1. Clone https://github.com/graphprotocol/graph-node/
  2. Enter the Graph Node's Docker directory:
    cd graph-node/docker
  3. Start a local Graph Node that will connect to Ganache on your host:
    docker-compose up

Deploy the subgraph to the local Graph Node

  1. Ceate a new example subgraph with:

    graph init --from-example <GITHUB_USERNAME>/example-subgraph
  2. Follow the instructions for installing dependencies and running the code generation (typically: yarn && yarn codegen).

  3. Deploy the example contract to Ganache (in another terminal):

    truffle compile
    truffle migrate

    This willl also create a couple of example transactions.

    Important: Remember the address of the GravityRegistry contract printed by the migrations. You will need this later.

  4. Replace the contract address with the one from Ganache (this is the one that you remembered or copied earlier):

    sed -i -e \
      's/0x2E645469f354BB4F5c8a05B3b30A929361cf77eC/<GANACHE_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>/g' \

    Check out the docs if you don't know what sed does. Basically, it replaces the hardcoded contract address 0x2E645469f354BB4F5c8a05B3b30A929361cf77eC with the address of your locally-deployed GravityRegistry contract.

  5. Deploy the subgraph to your local Graph Node:

    graph create --node http://localhost:8020/ <GITHUB_USERNAME>/example-subgraph
    graph deploy --node http://localhost:8020/ --ipfs http://localhost:5001/ <GITHUB_USERNAME>/example-subgraph
  6. You can now go to http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/<GITHUB_USERNAME>/example-subgraph to query our subgraph. Try the following query, for example:

      gravatars {

Connect this dApp to the subgraph

  1. Write the the GraphQL endpoint of our subgraph to .env in this directory:
    echo "REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/<GITHUB_USERNAME>/example-subgraph" > .env
  2. Then, start this app:
    yarn install
    yarn start

Hosted Service

Create and deploy the subgraph

  1. Sign up on https://thegraph.com/explorer/
  2. Create a new subgraph on https://thegraph.com/dashboard/
  3. Install Graph CLI with npm install -g @graphprotocol/graph-cli
  4. Run graph init <GITHUB_USERNAME>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME> to create a subgraph template locally.
  5. Follow the instructions graph init prints for you to deploy the subgraph to the Hosted Service.

Connect this dApp to the subgraph

  1. Go to https://thegraph.com/explorer/subgraph/<GITHUB_USERNAME>/<SUBGRAPH_NAME>/
  2. Copy the GraphQL HTTP endpoint (e.g. https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/github-username/subgraph-name)
  3. Write it to .env in this directory:
    echo "REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT=https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/github-username/subgraph-name" > .env
  4. Start this app:
    yarn install
    yarn start