
A python based RPC and Message Queuing application to simulate online advising

Primary LanguagePython

Online Advising Simulation using RPC and Message Queues

Note: This project is submitted as part of class projects for CSE 5306 at University of Texas Arlington

This code should not be used for the course CSE 5306 offered at University of Texas Arlington


  • Python 3.6.2 or later
  • xmlrpc library(Already present in python default libraries)

Download links:


  • Can resume sending messages when server crashes(Message queue is persistent).


The project is designed to run in python 3. I recommend to check the library requirements before running the project in later or before versions.


  1. MessageQueuingServer.py
  2. StudentProcess.py
  3. AdvisorProcess.py
  4. NotificationProcess.py

Default connection parameters:

RPC server:

Server IP: localhost

Server port number: 6000

RPC client:

Client IP: localhost

Client port number: 6000

The values can be changed in the code as shown below


with SimpleXMLRPCServer((<IP>, <Port>), requestHandler=RequestHandler, allow_none=True) as server:


xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://<IP>.:<Port>', allow_none=True)

Project execution:

  1. Run MessageQueuingServer using the command: python MessageQueuingServer.py

After executing, the process will wait for messages from other processes and will run in an infinite loop.

  1. Run StudentProcess using the command: python StudentProcess.py

After executing, the process runs in an infinite loop and asks user for input in repeat.

Sample input:

Enter your name: <name>
Enter subject to request clearance: <subject code>

If the message is received by server, a status message, Message received will be displayed. Then the program will prompt user to display his next input.

  1. Run AdvisorProcess.py using the command: python AdvisorProcess.py

After executing, the process runs in an infinite loop.

  1. Run NotificationProcess.py using the command: python NotificationProcess.py

After executing, the process runs in an infinite loop and requests server for advisor responses.


  • The server and clients are designed to run locally. Modifications might be required to run in remote environment.

Additional information:

For more information refer the project wiki.