This is a simple Web application using React as FrontEnd and Django(A python Based Database Framework) as a backend. So here We are using
- DjangoRest Framework (For Serializers,data conversion to JSON Format so that it can be used in FrontEnd).
- Django-cors-headers (it allows in-browser requests to your Django application from other origins).
- Websockets from Django Channels library.
- React-Websockets (for FrontEnd) .
- Redis (to Cache the data).
- Adding of the Notes
- Realtime Editing of Notes (To do this just open same IP on different tab Side By Side and check out the Changes in realtime ).
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Make Sure you Have the following things Installed on your Machines.
- Python
- Node.js
- pip
- Django
- React
Open the Terminal and make sure you are in Right Directory /note_project/
file and run below commands.
.pip install djangorestframework
pip install django-cors-headers
from Django Channels Library .pip install -U channels
Now Run the server
python runserver
if you want to see in database head over to the IP in terminal After running above server Command and add /api/
in IP address of your browser in my case its
npm install --save react-websocket
now run the server
npm start
Now you are able to See the Similar Result as shown Above...but when you try to Edit it gives Websockets Error....
its because we have not started our Redis Server
head over to this link and download the Latest release .
Now Unzip the file and Run redis-server
And you are good to go.
or to run via command line add the path of the directory to Environment Variable PATH and In terminal run redis-server
and you are good to go.