Pizza Hut Delivery Installation

System Software Requirements:

  1. Tomcat 7
  2. Java Development Kit 7
  3. MySQL
  4. Internet Browser

System Hardware Requirements:

  1. Pentium 4 or better processor
  2. 1GB or more RAM
  3. 100 MB of disk space

Installation Instructions

The following web app is tested to run on Tomcat7 with JDK 7 on Windows 7 based PC.

  1. Install tomcat and JDK.
  2. Install mysql database
  3. Download mysql connector
  4. Set environment variables for servlet-api.jar, and mysql-connector in windows environment variable settings.
  5. Copy the code files in webapps folder in Tomcat directory.
  6. Compile all the files in package phd using command promot.
  7. Import the given database phd.sql into mysql.
  8. Change the database username and password according to your settings in file and recompile.
  9. Run the app in your browser.