
A React Native starter/boilerplate app to get started with Redux, a sidebar menu, navigation, a custom navbar, data persistence, data validation and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Native Starter Kit

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Feature Summary
Redux A predictable state container - Helping you write applications that behave consistently and run in different environments.
Sidebar/Hamburger Menu ...
Google Analytics Shows how to track screen views (includes both a 'debug' mode tracker as well as 'release' mode so that data doesn't get obfuscated).
Custom Navbar ...
Icons Easily use icons from a wide range of icon libraries, it's as simple as importing the icon font and then <Icon name={'ios-alert-outline'} size={50} color={"#CCC"} />.
Form Validation An exmaple on how to create forms with validation.
Data persistence Shows how to persist data, even after closing/reopening the app.
Style Guide A bunch of elements and components to get you started - styled headings, buttons, list rows, alerts etc.
An example directory/file structure I've found useful for scaling apps ...


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Getting Started

  1. Ensure you've followed the React Native - Get Started Guide for the platform/s of choice
  2. Clone this project
  3. Run npm install from root directory

Quick Tips

Function iOS Android
Testing project in an emulator
  1. Open the /ios/StarterKit.xcodeproj file in Xcode
  2. Select the iOS simulator then press the Play (triangle) icon at the top left
  1. From terminal, run android avd. This will open the Android Virtual Device Manager. Select a device to open.
  2. In a new terminal window, enter the root directory of the project, then run: react-native run-android
Running on Device iOS Guide Android Guide
Opening the Debug Menu CMD + D CMD + M
Reload CMD + R Double tap R on your keyboard
App Icons I use this tool to generate /ios/StarterKit/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset /android/app/src/main/res/mipmap-*/ic_launcher.png

Any advice?

Love to hear any feedback or tips to improve - submit an issue or PR.