
Primary LanguagePython


This Repository collects some memories along with tons of projects and some pratice tests

S.N Folder Folder/Files Usage
1 Control System nyquist.ipynb Nyquist plot
ctrl_system.ipynb control system pratice
first&secondorder.ipynb first and second order system
rootlocus.py rootlocus plotting
2 Dr.Semmelweis and the Discovery of Handwashing notebook.ipynb Project done from datacamp
3 Mathematics_for_ML image_manupulation.ipynb image manupulation using linalgebra
vectors_and_manupulation.ipynb vectors and it's manupulation
Solution of NonLinear
4 Numerical_Methods bisection.py bisection method
newtonFractal.py newton fractal plotting
newton.py newton's method
plotting.ipynb comparision of non-linear solution methods
regulaFalsi.py regula falsi method
secant.py secant method
Solution of Numerical Differentitaion
finitediffrencewitheqn.ipynb calculating differentiation with right, left and central difference
finitediffwithdatapoints.ipynb calcuating with the data points
integration.ipynb Some Numerical Integrations with trapazoids, reimann right and left
Solution of ODE'S
5 Python_For_Control_Engineering math.ipynb math some plotting pratice
6 Statistics coin_flipping_simulation simulation of how the probabilty of flipping two coin converges to 0.25 over time
linear linear regression pratice
poission_distribution poission distribution pratice
probability_distribution different probability distribution
songs.dataset simple song dataset project of statistics
7 matplotlib.py complex_analysis complex analysis testing pratice
complex complex number plotting
matplotlib.ipynb matplotlib trying initial days
plotting_graph_for_firsttime plotting graph first time
8 numpy basic_numpy basic numpy operation at initial phase of learning
9 opencv Pratice Examples Learned from FreeCodeCamp YoutubeChannel some pratice codes
10 projectCG Creating a 3d render engine as my 4th semester graphics project

Some Extra Unordered Files

- bifurication diagram

"Logistic Map" I prefer calling it an equation of free will. Because it's so unpredictable. The equation goes like

Xn+1=lamdaXn(1-Xn) where Xn is a number between zero and one, which represents the ratio of the existing population to the maximum possible population. Here lambda can take up to the range from 0 < lambda < 4. Basically, we provide the initial value of Xn and the range of lambda and whenever we try to plot this simple non-linear dynamic equation we can see chaotic behavior.

  • Usage:- The equation which can be used to predict future populations based on past statistics.A simple model for studying nonlinear dynamics. Which can be used in various fields like economics, population, physics etc.

- shortestPath

Implementation of Shortest Path Algorithm with Djkshtra Method

- fft

Applications are wide-ranging, from audio and image processing to any field that

involves the manipulation of signals.


Awesome Recursive TOH Problem

- heateqn

Solution of Heat Equation

- waveeqn

Solution of the Wave Equation