
A JavaScript program to use Selenium and GPT-3 to answer questions on Quora.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quora QA Automation

A JavaScript program to use Playwright and GPT-3 to answer questions on Quora. The program uses Playwright to open a Chrome browser and navigate to Quora. The program then extracts the first question listed on Quora and passes it to GPT-3 for a response. The response from GPT-3 is then posted on Quora. This program uses the OpenAI API to access GPT-3.



  • JavaScript

Flow diagrams:






  1. answer_quora_question(answer): This function is used to post an answer received from GPT-3 on Quora and selecting a personalized answer credential.
  2. extract_question(): This function is used to extract the first question listed on www.quora.com/answers and return it as a string.
  3. gpt3_completion(prompt, engine='text-davinci-002', temp=0.7, top_p=1.0, tokens=400, freq_pen=0.0, pres_pen=0.0, stop=['JAX:', 'USER:']): This function is used to ask GPT-3 the question extracted from Quora and return the respone text as a string.
  4. launch_test_case(): This function is used to open Quora in a Chrome instance.
  5. open_file(filepath): This function is used to open a file and read the contents.
  6. quit_application(): This function is used to close the Chrome browser.
  7. setup(): This function is used to maximize Chrome window and have the driver wait for 10 seconds.
  8. main(): This function is the main method in JavaScript.
  9. loop(): This function is used to call the main method in a loop.


  1. Install the required libraries: openai, selenium-webdriver, and chrome.
  2. Copy your API key from the OpenAI website.
  3. Define Chrome options.
  4. Instansiate Google Chrome with the above options.
  5. Create a method to post answer received from GPT-3 on Quora and selecting a personalized answer credential.
  6. Create a method to extract the first question listed on www.quora.com/answers and return it as a string.
  7. Create a method to ask GPT-3 the question extracted from Quora and return the respone text as a string.
  8. Create a method to open Quora in a Chrome instance.
  9. Create a method to open a file and read the contents.
  10. Create a method to close the Chrome browser.
  11. Create a setup method to maximize the Chrome window and have the driver wait for 10 seconds.
  12. Create a main method to call the above methods.
  13. Call the main method in a loop.


  1. OpenAI
  1. YouTube
  1. Playwright Documentation

Additional notes: