This pipeline performs miRNAseq mapping with STAR and counts mapped reads to STAR reference genome using STAR --quantmode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts as well counts mapped reads using featureCounts if a more specific GTF annotation file wants to be used.
On top of the default CGAT setup, the pipeline requires the following.
python (v3.8.12 with pysam v0.17.0 when built)
STAR (v2.7)
featurecounts (v2.0.1)
multiqc (v1.11)
The pipeline requires a configured :file: pipeline.yml file.
Make a directory with your project name. Configure the pipeline with
python [path_to_repo]/ config
A pipeline.log and pipeline.yml file(s) will be added to your new directory. Modify the pipeline.yml according to your project.
- Trimmed unpaired fasta files ending in .fastq.gz
- a STAR genome directory, pat hto be specified in pipeline.yml
- a GTF adapted for featureCounts for miRNAs
Run the pipeline with python [path_to_repo]/ make full -v5.
- star.dir directory with STAR outputs,
- counts.dir directory with featureCounts outputs
- multiqc outputs for both STAR and featureCounts