
Public Repo with Gym environment for training Aida in simulation

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Public Repo with Gym environment for training Aida in simulation

Alt text


See the goal of the challenge here

Installing dependencies

ubuntu / linux

 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y
 pip3 install --upgrade pip
 pip install jupyter gym pybullet
 cd aida_gym
 pip install -e .

Mac OS (To be tested)

After installing XCode and Python3.5

 pip3 install --upgrade pip
 pip install jupyter gym pybullet
 cd aida_gym
 pip install -e .

Run the notebook

 cd aida_gym
 jupyter notebook Homework\,\ Getting\ Started.ipynb 

Jupyter should open in your web browser and you can follow the instruction on how to get Started.

Theotime COMBES Guillaume Thiry