
Sort issue on Bucketsort Agg

ronycohen opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello !

The example :

const reqBody = esb.requestBodySearch() .agg( esb.bucketSortAggregation('sort') **.sort([ esb.sort('user', 'desc') ])** .from(5) .size(10) ) );

is Wrong.

the result create a sort like :

"sort": [
"user": "desc"

What is needed in Elastic Doc :

                    "sort": [
                      {"user": {"order": "desc"}}

Best Regards !

My understanding is that {"order": "desc"} is a short-hand for {"user": {"order": "desc"}} based on this -

Have you tried to execute a query with the short-hand and does it not work?

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