A Node.js implementation of the elasticsearch Query DSL :construction_worker:
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Vulnerability in old lodash dependencies.
#199 opened by vijaykerure - 2
Support for case_insensitive to prefixQuery
#175 opened by ryanqwy - 2
Support to runtime_mappings
#152 opened by sanvir10 - 2
adding support for weighted average aggregation
#154 opened by AsafEini - 1
Rank feature support
#192 opened by MohamedFawzy - 0
Support for auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query to Query String Query
#190 opened by ChristopherTeague - 2
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case_insensitive for term query?
#178 opened by pimpelsang - 2
Support "multi_terms" Aggregation
#148 opened by sanvir10 - 0
Support for GeoHexGridAggregation
#177 opened by jparish3 - 0
Support hardBounds in HistogramAggregationBase
#169 opened by jparish3 - 1
Does it support AWS opensearch?
#174 opened by raghavulu-bussa - 2
Elasticsearch 8.x compatibility?
#171 opened by nickchomey - 1
#158 opened by jparish3 - 3
URLs in release notes are broken
#88 opened by greysteil - 2
Error: Cannot find module 'util'
#157 opened by jparish3 - 2
Support for multi nested paths and filters in sorts
#106 opened by mohak-cf - 1
Remove dependency on Node.js specific modules
#160 opened by lostpebble - 0
no support - intervals
#162 opened by saviifraimov2 - 2
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Cumulative cardinality aggregation
#135 opened by daniegarcia254 - 2
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Support for Parent Aggregation
#128 opened by rccoe - 4
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Support distance_feature
#149 opened by ivan-kuzma-scx - 1
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declaration file declares too much
#122 opened by ThomasKruegl - 5
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Way to build query based on the meta data of data table visualization in kibana??
#139 opened by Guidanz-Kishore - 1
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TermsAggreagation showTermDocCountError parameter of type object instead of boolean
#114 opened by chioarub - 3
Couldn't find auto_date_histogram.
#115 opened by elishas - 3
Sort.toJSON() wrong format!?
#118 opened by Hypopheralcus - 1
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Sort issue on Bucketsort Agg
#111 opened by ronycohen - 4
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Multi-match search missing bool_prefix type
#109 opened by lostpebble - 2
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Convert query objects to query string
#99 opened by gaui - 2
track_total_hits not implemented
#95 opened by lostpebble - 3
BoolQuery should function does not work
#92 opened by dkswjdals89 - 4
Pre-registered queries
#90 opened by kamyarghajar - 2
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Support Multiple Documents in Percolate Queries
#86 opened by austince