
Error: Cannot find module 'util'

jparish3 opened this issue · 2 comments

trying to use "elastic-builder": "^2.16.0" in "vue": "^2.6.14" as a replacement for "bodybuilder": "^2.4.0" which has been working great, but not as comprehensive as elastic-builder

Error: Cannot find module 'util'
at webpackMissingModule (util.js?0f0e:9:1)
at eval (util.js?0f0e:9:1)
at Object../node_modules/elastic-builder/lib/core/util.js

also at eval (query.js?5ee0:13:1) & at eval (request-body-search.js?c6ae:25:1)

To solve it: npm install util I guess there is a dependency load issue. I should have tried this first

Have removed the dependency on util in the recently released v2.17.0. Closing this issue.