
This set of scripts and Java classes was made in effort to graph data collected in Java using Matplotlib with Python.

Primary LanguageJava

Matplotlib - Java InterOp

This set of scripts and Java classes was made in effort to graph data collected in Java using Matplotlib with Python. This may be needed for a number of reasons, but the simplest is to get the speed of Java, wihtout the hassle of using third-party graohing solutions. Matplotlib is also widely used and much more popular than any Java graphing tool. Simply Included this set of classes and scripts may be easier than the Java solutions.

Timeit & Util

These are optional classes and can be discarded, though they each provide their own set of methods whihch may be useful.


This is a class which lets you time any method or function down to nanoseconds. It mimics the Timeit module from Python.


This is a class which has a number of useful mathemtical and statistical functions, as well as a few file-manaagement functions.

The plot Package