
DApp-CS765 Assignment 3

Primary LanguagePython


Building a layer-2 DAPP on top of Blockchain


  • python3
  • ganache-cli
  • truffle
  • web3
  • nodejs
  • npm

File Structure

The contract folder contains the Payment.sol file which includes the following functions in the contract Payment.

  • registerUser (user_id, user_name) - To register an user
  • createAccount (user_id_1, user_id_2, balance) - To create an account
  • sendAmount (user_id_1, user_id_2) - To transfer ammount
  • closeAccount (user_id_1, user_id_2) - To close the account
  • getFailureReason (user_id_1, user_id_2) - To get the reason incase of failures.
  • shortestPath (user_id_1, user_id_2) - for finding the shortest path between the users mentioned.

The 2_deploy_contracts.js file is inside the migrations folder and the config file truffle-config.js containing the config for host and port connecting to the ganache-cli. The file run.py contains setting up connection, building the network and the execution of the above functions using the Handler which is written in Handler.py file.


To extract the file from ubuntu, extract the zip folder using unzip RollNo1_RollNo2_RollNo3.zip

To clone from github repo git clone https://github.com/sudoRicheek/DApp.git

To install the dependencies use the following commands npm install -g ganache-cli npm install -g truffles pip install web3

Instruction to Run

  • Step 1: Open the folder RollNo1_RollNo2_RollNo3 using cd RollNo1_RollNo2_RollNo3
  • Step 2: To install required libraries do as mentioned above in the installation step
  • Step 3: Open two terminals, and run ganache-cli in one and truffle migrate in another
  • Step 4: The contract-address we get from truffle migration is the one we have to send as parameter
  • Step 3: To run as default parameters, use the command as mentioned below python3 main.py -c [contract-address]

To change various parameters usage as mentioned below

  • number of nodes in the P2P network: -n or --num_nodes
  • number of transactions : -nt or `--num-transactions
  • the url of ganache-cli: -g or --ganache-url
  • the path of the compiled contract: -p or --compiled-contract_path
  • the contract address: -c or --contract-address
  • To plot the fraction of successful transactions vs total transactions: -pl or --plot
  • verbose: -v or --verbose

For example python3 main.py -n 10 -nt 100 -g -p build/contracts/Payment.json -c 0x43707f2AACaA821C21999fA1aE10E284D24d925a -pl -v

To get help regarding any paramenter: python3 run.py -h will give the description on usage


usage: python3 run.py [-h] [--nodes NODES] [--num-transactions NUM_TRANSACTIONS] [--ganache-url GANACHE_URL] [--compiled-contract_path COMPILED_CONTRACT_PATH] [--contract-address CONTRACT_ADDRESS] [--verbose] [--plot]