PyShapes is a python package that allows to detect and extract the basic shapes(polygons and circles) present in an image. It also has some in-built attributes and functions to get basic information and perform basic operations on those shapes.
This module uses Python OpenCV as dependency
Installation is very simple through pip
For pip
pip install PyShapes
For pip3
pip3 install PyShapes
Importing the package
from PyShapes import *
Creating PyShape objects(Note : Object creation must be on PyShape class !)
shapes = PyShape("C:\\path\\to\\image")
Useful functions in PyShape -
Getting all the shapes detected in an image :
shapes_dictionary = shapes.get_all_shapes()
Gets all the shapes in the image and returns a dictionary !
Displaying the shapes detected by providing coloured boundaries to them in original image :
Creates the coloured boundaries on top of the original image and displays the shape names along with the indexes
Getting the coordinates of the corners of a particular shape :
numpy_array = shapes.get_corners("name of shape", index_of_shape)
Returns the coordinates of the corners of the shape in form of a numpy array
Returns None if there is no shape with that name/index
Getting the area of a particular shape :
area_of_shape = shapes.get_area("name of shape", index_of_shape)
Returns the area of a particular shape in pixel2 units; return type : double
Returns -1 if there is no shape with that name/index
Finally, don't forget to close the running object !
Closes the object and the binded dependencies
The source is in the file.
Created By Richeek. Copyright 2020