
Web app appears blank on Heltec V2

Atorcha opened this issue · 2 comments

I am a IOS user, but after installed in a Heltec V2 in blank page.

And now what I can do?

You mostly likely need to flash the SPIFFS also. First you need to build the app using npm, you can find instruction for that here. Then you need to flash the built web app to your board with pio run -e heltech-v2 -t uploadfs. There are instructions for flashing the SPIFFS here.

Finally, if you have trouble building the web app with npm, you can download the pre-built web app as part of the latest release and then copy the files web/static from the zip into the web/static directory in the cloned repo.

samuk commented

@AnakinSpain did this work for you? Closing the ticket but please reopen if you're still having problems.