
My dotfiles repository.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


"Cell division and replication for my dotfiles"

The place to find my dotfiles and migration strategies

The main branch is for dotfiles and items that remain the same across machines and installations.

This is stuff like Xresources or zshrc. Other things that are installation specific may be things like .xsession stuff or mpd stuff.

How to use this repository

  1. Clone this repo somewhere easily accessible (like ~)
  2. Where config files are needed simply link to it like "ln -s ~/mitosys/file ~"
  3. ???
  4. Profit.

Future features:

  • config 'profiles' that layer on top of a base profile e.g. laptop/desktop/server

Program stack

Below is a list of the software I use for my system and their applications. Please note that this list is far from exhaustive and complete.

Component Program
Display manager xdm + xinit scripts
Window manager dwm
Terminal emulator st
Shell zsh
Text editor\IDE vim
App launcher dmenu
Music player mpd + ncmpcpp
Video player mpv
File browser ranger
Statusbar dwmblocks

Utility programs:

  • xorg-xbacklight
  • xorg-xbindkeys

Config notes


Patches to apply (in order):

  • xresources
  • anysize
  • scrollback

Other configs:

font sie 18 font inconsolata