Solana dApp

This dapp has 2 main responsabilities:

  1. Lists all outbound (sent by the connected wallet) and inbound (sent to the connected wallet) SOL transactions in the last 24 hours (unix_timestamp, from_address, to_address, SOL amount)

  2. Displays the connected wallet's SOL average balance in 1 hour buckets for the last 24 hours



npm install

Build and Run

Next, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


The project structure is the next one:

├── public : publically hosted files
├── src : primary code folders and files 
│   ├── components : house anything considered a resuable UI component
│   ├── contexts` : any context considered reusable and useuful to many components that can be passed down through a component tree
│   ├── models` : any data structure that may be reused throughout the project
│   ├── pages` : the pages that host meta data and the intended `View` for the page
│   ├── stores` : stores used in state management
│   ├── styles` : contain any global and reusable styles
│   ├── views` : contains the actual views of the project that include the main content and components within

style, package, configuration, and other project files

Deployed on Vercel

Pending to finish

1. Add UT and E2E testing
2. Apply skeleton loader
3. Improve responsiness