
This repo is the work we have completed to help real inmates that haven't been cleared yet due to repetitive tasks. We solved this problem through our automation project in this repo. There are millions of inmates that need to be cleared and our focus was the couple thousands in Yolo County. Our team consisted of programmers and lawyers working together to build an awesome !

Getting Started

Get started by cloning the repo and following the instructions below.


Were going to need to install pip, virtualenv,chrome selenium driver and the packages listed in the requirements.txt file.

Currently only have Mac terminal commands. I think it works with Git shell as well for Windows users. Follow instructions below after opening a shell CLI.

If there are any questions to help get started please post them!


Install pip

sudo easy_install pip

Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Next step is to activate virtualenv

source env/bin/activate

Install packages from requirements.txt

pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt


under construction


  • Peter Moung & friends - Initial work


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • I always love to code for the community!

Problems faced

  • There were no fixed URL(makes convential scraping easy)
  • Typically it would be easy to scrape html but most result queries were in javascript objects