
take ebs snapshots, delete old snapshots, compute stack...

Primary LanguagePython


utility templates and functions for ebs snapshot, ebs synch, ec2 launch from ebs snap

  1. ebsdailybackup.yml - this template will launch to cloudwatch scheduled events
  • schedule1 to take daily ebs snapshot of the ebs volumes for each ec2 instance in this account
  • schedule2 to delete old ebs snapshots
  1. ebs-backup folder
  • this folder contains the lambda function that takes snapshots of the ebs volumes - schedule1
  1. ebs-snapshot-cleanup folder
  • this folder contains the lambda function that deletes old ebs snapshots
  1. ebs-ssm-synch folder
  • this folder contains the lambda function that issues the SSM Run Command to do EBS synch from D drive to S3 bucket
  1. IAC folder
  • this contains the application-stack.yml template to launch the ec2 instance and also launch the scheduler for SSM Synch lambda function (in step 4 above)
  1. ensure that the 3 zip files of the lambda functions are stored in a common autodesk s3 bicket