
2014 website

Primary LanguageHTML

Sud Web 2014 website Build Status

Just some good old static webpages. We like to KISS.


Just fork this repo, commit your changes and open a pull request.


This project uses Sass, Compass, node and Grunt because we are cool kids.

You shoud be able to install Compass and node in a few commands:

# OSX install of rbenv
brew install rbenv

# OSX install of Node
brew install nvm

# For all OS
nvm install 0.10
nvm alias default 0.10


bundle install
npm install


Single time build

npm run build

Continuous build

npm start

Happy coding!


You initially need to install GraphicsMagick.

brew install graphicsmagick

Then run, each time you need to regenerate thumbnails:

npm run thumbs

They will be located in img/orateurs/150.



Once you are satisfied and are ready to deploy on sudweb.fr/2014, proceed as below:

npm run deploy-prod
ssh sudweb 'cd www/2014 && git pull'

Notice: sudweb is a hostname configured in ~/.ssh/config.


To share what you have done without publishing it live, use the following command:

npm run deploy-dev

The content will be available on http://<your username>.github.io/2014.