
Terraform template for AWS

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


Terraform template for AWS

Workflow features

  • Authenticating via GitHub OIDC provider
  • Run terraform apply
    • Automatically running on main branch
    • Manual running on any branch
  • Run terraform plan, terraform fmt and tflint
  • Post terraform plan report to PullRequest comment and Job Summaries
  • Slack notification


  • GitHub Actions
  • Terraform v1.0+

Usage of this template

1. Install tools

2. Create a repository using this template

3. Setup terraform with CloudFormation

  1. Download cloud_formation/setup-terraform.yml
  2. Go to CloudFormation
  3. Create stack with downloaded setup-terraform.yml


  • BackendBucketName (Required)
  • TerraformLockTableName (Required)
  • GithubOidcRoleName (Required)
    • IAM Role name for OIDC authentication
    • default: github-oidc-role
  • GitHubOrgName (Required)
    • GitHub organization or user name (e.g. octocat)
  • GitHubRepositoryName (Required)
    • GitHub repository name (e.g. Hello-World)
  • OIDCProviderArn (optional)
    • Arn for the GitHub OIDC Provider.
    • A new provider will be created if omitted

4. Register secrets

5. Edit files

Edit followings

    • Same to the region where Cloudformation was executed
  • Upgrade to the latest version if necessary

Edit followings

Edit followings

  • aws_account_id
    • AWS account ID
  • provider_region
    • Same to the region where Cloudformation was executed

Upgrade to the latest version if necessary

  • terraform.required_providers.aws.version
  • terraform.required_version

6. Run Terraform from local

tfenv install

terraform init

# Run followings if you upgraded providers
terraform init -upgrade
git add .terraform.lock.hcl
git commit -m "terraform init -upgrade"

git push

7. Check if GitHub Actions build is executed

Maintenance for Terraform repository

Upgrade Terraform core

  1. Check latest version
  2. Edit .terraform-version
  3. Run tfenv install

Upgrade Terraform providers (automatically)

  1. Edit .github/dependabot.yml
  2. Wait for Dependabot to create a PullRequests

Upgrade Terraform providers (manually)

  1. Check latest versions
  2. Edit terraform.required_providers.aws.version in versions.tf
  3. Run terraform init -upgrade

Other solution