The aim of the application is to train individuals to make images, particularly critical STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) content, accessible to all readers. This module replaces the existing training module currently available at: https://diagram.herokuapp.com/training/index
The module consists of 4 main sections:
- Introduction to Accessible Images - basic overview
- When to Describe - figuring out when a description is actually required
- How to Describe - general guidelines that apply when describing any image/diagram
- Practice Describing - best practice guidelines and examples for specific image types
Please refer to the reference files (PDF mocks, color palette, content for the website, and original image files) available at https://benetech.app.box.com/notes/95589698692
Technical Information
The sections are available as summaries on the main page and/or detailed, individuals pages
- The main page includes a sectional introduction to each of the 4 sections. This page applies basic HTML, CSS and Bootstrap (index.html)
- Accessibility requirements: WCAG AA, Section 508
- Existing code to be recycled: ** when to describe: https://github.com/benetech/ImageDescService/tree/master/public/javascripts
- Push code to github
- Build will be automatically deployed
- Wait for about 15 minutes and then check to see if changes made are reflected at https://poet-qa.diagramcenter.org