Contact List App using ReactJS and Tailwind CSS


This is a Contact List application that fetches user data from the Random User API. It is searchable based on the first and last names.

What, Why, and How

  • What was your motivation? I wanted to learn tailwind css as well as review using react components, jsx, and props
  • Why did you build this project? I am thinking about building my own contact list app, so this seemed like a good starting point
  • What problem does it solve?
  • What did you learn?
  • What makes your project stand out? If your project has a lot of features, consider adding a "Features" section and listing them here. The next step is to figure out how to build and connect a back end. I'd also like to add a form for users to input data.



  • Challenges
    • Reviewing how to connect create react app to set it up to work with github pages
    • The api sometimes was slow to load, so my page would crash. Added in a line of code to handle this error.




Followed the tutorial by Ebenezer Don called "Build a Contact List App with React and Tailwind CSS" associated repo

need to complete the last 10 mins (starting at 51:30)

Used the random user API

Tailwind docs:
