
HTML Changes Made

  1. Changed first div element to header element because element contains a h1 header at the top of the page.

  2. Within the new header element changed div element that contains the ul into nav element because the list is a navigation bar on the webpage.

  3. Changed div element that contains class="hero" to a figure element because it contains an image in the css file.

  4. Changed div element with class="content" to main element because it contains the main content of the page.

  5. Within the new main element, changed the three div elements to be three article elements because there are three self contained content areas within the main content.

  6. Changed the div element after main to be an aside element because it contains content aside from the main page content.

  7. Within the new aside element, change the three div elements to three article elements because there are three distinct content elements within the aside.

  8. Changed last div element to footer element because this element contains a footer.

  9. Changed the h2 in the footer to an h4 because it is last in the hierarchy of headers.

  10. Added alt attributes to all img elements and figure element for accessibility.

  11. Added missing id element to the first article within the main element so that the navbar link works. Link was broken initially.

CSS Changes Made

  1. Changed all header div elements to header nav elements to effect all the new nav elements in the html.

  2. Reduced .benefit-lead, .benefit-brand, .benefit-cost, to one selector aside-artcle because all articles within the aside had the same styles.

  3. Reduced .benefit-lead h3, .benefit-brand h3, .benefit-cost h3, to one selector aside-artcle h3 because all h3 elements had the same styles.

  4. Reduced .benefit-lead img, .benefit-brand img, .benefit-cost img, to one selector aside-artcle img because all images within the aside had the same styles.

  5. Reduced .search-engine-optimization, .online-repuation-management, .social-media-marketing, to one selector main article because all articles within the main element had the same styles.

  6. Reduced .search-engine-optimization img, .online-repuation-management img, .social-media-marketing img, to one selector main article img because all images within the main element had the same styles.

  7. Reduced .search-engine-optimization h2, .online-repuation-management h2, .social-media-marketing h2, to one selector main article h2 because all h2 within the main element had the same styles.

  8. Changed .footer h2 to h4 because html changes.

Other notes

  • HTML and CSS was done individually.
  • W3 schools HTML semantics was used to change div tags.
  • Read through classmate's README before writing mine.

Mistakes made along the way

  • Oversimplified CSS and broke href key. Had to redo CSS refactoring (which was out of the scope of this activity) but in refactoring, I commented out the original CSS that was repetitive instead of completely deleting it, which helped fix the CSS easier than when I had broken it.
  • Wrote README after completing the HTML and CSS changes. Thought pushing changes along the way was enough.

Screenshot of deployed website"