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	<h4>Large Scale Image Classification</h4>
  In this task our goal is to classify images based on their visual content. We provide a labeled dataset containing two images from two classes: Nature and People.
  While feature selection is a very important part of image classification pipeline, it is out of the scope of this course and won't be part of this task. Instead, we provide a set of features that has been extracted from each image. Your task is to train a model that perfroms well given the feature representation. Furthermore, we will make use of Support Vector Machines and implement the solution using Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent.
  The full problem description, includin g dataset description, evaluation metric, grading policy
  and the data sets is available <a href="http://project.las.ethz.ch/resources/svm.zip"><b>here</b></a>.</p>

<p style="font-size:300%">Download and extract data/ from <a href="http://project.las.ethz.ch/resources/svm.zip"><b>here</b></a></p>

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          <small>© Learning and Adaptive Systems Group - Machine Learning Institute - ETH - 2015</small>
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