
Game project created with Java, Spring, Hibernate / JavaScript, Vue, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS. .

Primary LanguageHTML



(You can login as c.obrian@ctu.gov (password 42) to see demo games and its results - better UX with FIREFOX).

Game project created with Java, JavaScript, Spring, Hibernate, H2, among other technologies.

Multiplayer online version of Salvo Game.

In this project - which is part of the Ubiqum/Mindhub FullStack Development Bootcamp Program - I worked on a front-end web application that game players interact with, and a back-end game server to manage the games, scoring, and player profiles. jQuery JavaScript and Vue.js library were used for the front-end client, and the Spring framework for the Java-based RESTful web server. The project was developed in two parts.

In Part One , the core architecture was implemented with:

  1. a small Java back-end server to store Salvo game data, and send that data to client apps via a RESTful API;

  2. a front-end browser-based game interface that graphically shows players the state of the game, including ships they've placed, damage sustained, and scores.

In Part Two, the game play was implemented:

  1. Players can create new games and join games that others have created.

  2. When a game has both players, players can place their ships on their grids.

  3. When ships have been placed, players can begin trading salvos (shots) and seeing the results (hits, sinks, and misses).

  4. When all of a player's ships have been sunk, the game ends and the winner is added to the leaderboard.