
This repo contains iverilog code for 16-bit barrel shifter which i did as project for our course.

Primary LanguageVerilog


This repo contains iverilog code for 16-bit barrel shifter which i did as project for our course UE21CS251A - Digital Design and Computer Organization.

Run and Compile this code.

To run the code you need have verilog installed in your system, if not then you can follow this installation guide. After installation is complete follow these steps:

1. Clone this repo by running this command or you can just download the files

git clone https://github.com/sufiiyan/16-bit-Barrel-Shifter

2. Compile main file and testbench file

iverilog -o barrel barrel_shifter.v tb_barrel_shifter.v

3. Run the file by

vvp barrel

4. Get the GTK wave by running below command

gtkwave tb_barrel_shifter.vcd