AN S-EXPRESSION PARSER built with Sedlex and Menhir

This is an example of the construction of an error-reporting parser 
and lexer using sedlex and menhir. The parser runs interactively
when connected to a terminal. It is intended ONLY to serve as
an example of the use of sedlex and menhir, but may be helpful 
if you need an uncomplicated parser for S-expressions that can 
parse them efficiently both interactively from terminals 
as well as from files.

To construct the parser, the lexer, and an example of their use:

        dune build example.exe


The supplied sedlexing.{ml,mli} have been adapted so that the lexer
can be made to respond /immediately/ to characters appearing on the
input channel, when the channel is connected to a terminal, yet can
run efficiently (without recourse to the operating system for every
single input character) when connected to a file.

Such a lexer is constructed from a lexbuf made from a channel that 
can be tested to see if it's a tty.

    let chan   = open_in "/dev/stdin" in
    let istty  = Unix.isatty @@ Unix.descr_of_in_channel chan in
    let lexbuf = Sedlexing.Utf8.from_channel ~chunk_size:(if istty then 1 else 1024) chan in
    Sedlexing.set_filename lexbuf "/dev/stdin";
    if istty then
       Sedlexing.set_prompter lexbuf (fun () -> Format.printf "> %!");

[NB: the standard sedlexing.{ml,mli} can also be used as per other
published examples and their documentation, but in this case the lexer
responds to input only when the end-of-file key is pressed at the terminal.
This is because the "chunk-size" for refilling the standard form of 
buffer is constant (512), and the refilling loop requires an eof
before it terminates.] 


The supplied sources are all up to date wrt. the grammar file sexpParser.mly

The Makefile has four /consequential/ targets.

diff:  generates and runs a diff between it and
       the existing sexpParserMessages. This is the default target, invoked
       on make.
       *   If no differences are reported then there is no need
           for further action.

       *   If there are differences only in state numbers, then
           there is no need for further action.
       If there is a difference that contains something like
       then you will need to edit the .new file to change such
       generic messages into concrete descriptions of the error.
       When you have done so, then 
                make cp
       to copy the .new file to the sexpParserMessages file, then
                make ml
       to generate source file 
new:   Generates incrementally from
       sexpParserMessages and sexpParser.mly
       The .new file may need editing to bring its error
       messages up to date with the parser specification
       (see the diff target)
raw:   Generates sexpParserMessages.raw ab-initio from sexpParser.mly
       The .raw file will certainly need editing to bring its error
       messages up to date with the parser specification. 
ml:    Generates the source file from the 
       parser specification and the messages file.