
A port of https://github.com/sug0/go-glitch to rust

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple port of https://github.com/sug0/go-glitch to rust.

Below is copied 1:1 of what is in the go project.

What is the deal with the expressions?

You can think of the image as a functor that you map an expression to, for each pixel's component colors, returning a new one. The allowed operators are:

  • + plus
  • - minus
  • * multiplication
  • / division
  • % modulo
  • # power of operator
  • & bit and
  • | bit or
  • : bit and not
  • ^ bit xor
  • < bit left shift
  • > bit right shift
  • ? returns 255 if left side is greater otherwise 0
  • @ attributes a weight in the range [0, 255] to the value on the left

The expressions are made up of operators, numbers, parenthesis, and a set of parameters:

  • c the current value of each pixel component color
  • b the blurred version of c
  • h the horizontally flipped version of c
  • v the vertically flipped version of c
  • d the diagonally flipped version of c
  • Y the luminosity, or grayscale component of each pixel
  • N a noise pixel (i.e. a pixel where each component is a random value)
  • R the red color (i.e. rgb(255, 0, 0))
  • G the green color (i.e. rgb(0, 255, 0))
  • B the blue color (i.e. rgb(0, 0, 255))
  • s the value of each pixel's last saved evaluated expression
  • r a pixel made up of a random color component from the neighboring 8 pixels
  • e the difference of all pixels in a box, creating an edge-like effect
  • x the current x coordinate being evaluated normalized in the range [0, 255]
  • y the current y coordinate being evaluated normalized in the range [0, 255]
  • H the highest valued color component in the neighboring 8 pixels
  • L the lowest valued color component in the neighboring 8 pixels


  • 128 & (c - ((c - 150 + s) > 5 < s))
  • (c & (c ^ 55)) + 25
  • 128 & (c + 255) : (s ^ (c ^ 255)) + 25