
Generate alphabetical sequential IDs with this hot terminal app!

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


idgen is a command line tool that allows you to generate alphabetical sequential IDs, for whatever applications may suit you (for instance, to generate ids for a static file http server of some sort).


$ go get github.com/sugoiuguu/idgen


$ idgen -h
Usage of idgen:
  -f string
        delete the specified key
  -k string
        the key of the id
  -p string
        the dir to save the ids in


$ alias idgen="idgen -p ~/.idgen"
$ id=$(idgen -k files)
$ echo wow it works > /var/www/static/$id.txt
$ idgen -k files -f a    # frees the id 'a'
$ id=$(idgen -k files)   # returns 'a' in $id