
A sheeet file manager for sheeet computers

Primary LanguageC


This probably isn't for you. Don't bash on me if you see spaghetti code.

The problem

The CLI file manager ranger was using too much memory for my taste on my humble little server: around 8M out of the 512M.

The solution

Write a simpler file manager, with less features granted, to replace it; currently it's using around 100K to 300K.

Installing / Uninstalling

This program depends on termbox. Make sure to fetch this library before building sheeetfm.

$ sudo make install clean
$ sudo make uninstall


Open sheeetfm and sheeetfmd in two different terminals (or split tmux panes); browse with hjkl like in vim, or use the arrow keys; input commands with :, namely !<shell command> %s, where %s is the currently selected file, cd <dir>, and s <search term>.

The shortcuts for these are, respectively, !, c and s. You can also return to your home directory with H, list hidden files with ., refresh the file list with r, clean the sheeetfmd pane with ^L, and navigate up and down with ^U and ^D, respectively.

Final notes

  • Thanks to suckless for arg.h
  • Yes, the eee comes from EEE PC


Do whatever the fuck you want with it™.