- OK parcel bundler resource problem (migrated to WebPack)
- OK fs node wont work
- draw center of neuron separated from axons
gravity on nuclei
figure a way to show content on nuclei....
- OK milky way textures sphere/cube (https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_shaders_tonemapping)
trajectory: - OKparticles of light traveling between neurons - OKinteractive camera trajectory
- neuron
- OK glowing neurons (http://kadekeith.me/2017/09/12/three-glow.html)
- wavy neuron nucleus cytoplasm
intro (face effects, see neuronet from far..)
- flower of life
language support!!
- Trajectory;
- show several globes, each one representing an important point in my life, with images and effects
- Main Knowledge stack
- show the logos of the stacks with effects and sizes to demonstrate the experience of each one
- Favorite Projects so far
- show professional and experimental projects
- About me
- flower of life
- Trajectory;
- npm install
- npm run dev
- npm run prod