Ruby Object Mapper (ROM) is a data mapping and persistence toolkit for Ruby with the goal to provide powerful object mapping capabilities without limiting the full power of your datastore.
Learn more:
You can support ROM's development via our campaign on Bountysource. Cheers!
There are other gems within the rom ecosystem that you will find useful:
- rom-repository a higher-level, convenient abstraction with auto-mapping
- (WIP) rom-migrator common APIs for database migrations
- rom-sql (supported URI schemes: ado amalgalite cubrid db2 dbi do fdbsql firebird ibmdb informix jdbc mysql mysql2 odbc openbase oracle postgres sqlanywhere sqlite swift tinytds)
- rom-yesql
- rom-http
- rom-couchdb
- rom-csv
- rom-yaml
- rom-cassandra
- rom-event_store
- rom-git
- rom-influxdb
- rom-json
- rom-kafka
- rom-mongo
- rom-neo4j
- rom-rethinkdb
See issues for a list of adapters that are planned to be added soon.
This project has a long history and wouldn't exist without following people: