
Backup of vscale.io scalets

Primary LanguagePython


Simple systemd service to backup scalets (VM) in https://vscale.io


  • Set secure permissions on our token file: chmod 600 /etc/vscale.token
  • Put scalets-backup.service and scalets-backup.timer files to /etc/systemd/system directory.
  • Run systemctl daemon-reload
  • Run systemctl enable scalets-backup.timer

How to use

Use tag to_backup to mark required scalets (VM) in https://vscale.io/panel/.

Perform backup

Run following command to perform backup or wait scheduled job

systemctl start scalets-backup.service

Change schedule

Edit /etc/systemd/system/scalets-backup.timer to change schedule. Read https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html to get help with OnCalendar syntax.

Read logs

Use common approach to see service log:

journalctl -xeu scalets-backup.service