
command line interface to ClickUp

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Simple Command line Utility to create tasks, subtask and comments in clickup


npm install -g https://github.com/sughodke/clickup-cli

API keys

The CLI uses a ClickUp API key, to get one follow these steps and use Client Secret as "auth" below.

Copy this JSON into ~/.clickup edit to include approprioate defaults from your clickup account

  "defaults": {
     "list": "<default_list_id>",
     "assignees": ["<default_assignee>"],
     "priority": 3,
     "points": 3
  "lists": {
    "<list_name>": "<list_id>"
  "users": {
    "<user_name>": "<user_id>"
  "fields": {
    "<custom_field_name>": "<custom_field_id>"
  "team": "<default_team_id>",
  "auth": "<api_auth_token>"

CLI is up and running!


> clickup help

Usage: clickup [options] [command]

clickup cli (v1.0.18)

  -v, --verbose
  -c, --config                           Configuration File
  -h, --help                             display help for command

  create [options] <name>                Create task
  fetch [options]                        Fetch tasks for a list
  update [options] <task_id> [name]      Update Task
  delete <task_id>                       Delete task
  comment [options] <task_id> [message]  add comment
  check [options] <task_id> [item]       add checklist
  help [command]                         display help for command

Create Task

> clickup help create

Usage: clickup create [options] <name>

create task

  name                            Task Name

  -f, --file <filePath>           Markdown Description from file
  -t, --parent <task_id>          Parent Task Id
  -i, --priority <priority>       Task Priority (1-5)
  -a, --assignees <user...>       Comma seperated user initals or ids
  -e, --time_estimate <estimate>  Time Estimate (ms)
  -s, --status <status>           Task Status
  -p, --points <points>           Sprint Points
  -j, --json <json>               Custom Fields as JSON
  -l, --list <list...>            comma seperated lists names or ids
  -m, --description <markdown>    Markdown description
  -h, --help                      display help for command  ```

Fetch Tasks

> clickup help fetch

Usage: clickup fetch [options]

Fetch tasks for a list

  -f, --file <filePath>            Markdown Description from file
  -t, --parent <task_id>           Parent Task Id
  -i, --priority <priority>        Task Priority (1-5)
  -a, --assignees <user...>        Comma seperated user initals or ids
  -e, --time_estimate <estimate>   Time Estimate (ms)
  -s, --status <status>            Task Status
  -p, --points <points>            Sprint Points
  -n, --name <name>                Task Name
  -j, --json <json>                Custom Fields as JSON
  -d, --description <description>  Task Description
  -l, --list <list...>             comma seperated lists names or ids
  -h, --help                       display help for command

Update Task

> clickup help update

Usage: clup update [options] <task_id> [name]

update task

  task_id                         Task Id
  name                            Task Name

  -f, --file <filePath>           Markdown Description from file
  -t, --parent <task_id>          Parent Task Id
  -i, --priority <importance>     Task Priority (1-5)
  -a, --assignees <user...>       Comma seperated user initals or ids
  -e, --time_estimate <estimate>  Time Estimate (ms)
  -s, --status <status>           Task Status
  -p, --points <points>           Sprint Points
  -j, --json <json>               Custom Fields as JSON
  -l, --list <list...>            comma seperated lists names or ids
  -m, --description <markdown>    Markdown description
  -h, --help                      display help for command

Delete Task

> clickup help delete

Usage: cu-cli delete [options] <task_id>

delete task

  task_id     Task Id

  -h, --help  display help for command

Add Comment

> clickup help comment

Usage: clickup comment [options] <task_id> [message]

add comment

  task_id                   Task Id
  message                   Comment Text

  -f, --file <filePath>     Read from file
  -n, --notify_all          Notify all
  -a, --assignee <user_id>  Assign to user
  -h, --help                display help for command

Create Checklist

> clickup help check [options] <task_id> [item]

add checklist

  task_id                Task Id
  item                   Checklist Item

  -f, --file <filePath>  List of Items
  -n, --name <name>      Checklist Name (default: "Checklist")
  -h, --help             display help for command