
Primary LanguagePython



Framework Components

  • Model - Defines logical data structure
    • Data handler between DB and View
  • Template - Presentation later
    • Plain-text template system keeping everything that browser renders
  • View - Uses Model to communicate to DB
    • Transfers data to template for viewing
  • Framework itself acts as Controller
    • Sending requests to views according to URL config

Project Structure

  • Outer mysite
    • Container for project
    • Contains:
      • manage.py - cmd utility to interact with project
        • Editing not required
      • Mysite Directory
        • Containing:
          • init.py - Tells python to treat directory as module
            • Empty file
          • asgi.py - Config to run project as Async Server Gateway Intferface app with compatiable web servers
            • Python standard for aysnc apps and web servers (E.g. Daphne, Uvicorn)
          • settings.py - Settings and config for project
            • As well as defaults
          • urls.py - URLs patterns defined here and each URL is mapped to a view
          • wsgi.py - Config to run project as WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) app
            • With web server that are WSGI-compatiable
              • E.g. APache, Gunicorn, uWSGI

Application Structure

  • ** Blog app directory **
    • init.py
    • admin.py - Register models we want in optional django admin site
    • apps.py - Main config of blog app
    • migrations - Directory with app DB migrations
      • Allows Django to track any changes to model and sync DB in correspondance
      • Also contains init.py
    • models.py - App data models
      • Each model maps to single DB table
        • Attribute of class represents DB field
      • Can be left empty
    • tests.py - Tests for application
    • views.py - Logic of app goes inside here
      • Each view gets HTTP request, processes request and returns response